
981 posts    Identified fonts

Posts by toto@k22

Sep 10, 2022 at 22:02  [reply]  Looking for Designer to get licence

Have you tried sending them a private message?

An email address is also listed in the font author's profile page

Sep 02, 2022 at 11:40  [reply]  Possible to donate money to Dafont?

rc50 said  
no, not to authors, to Dafont itself

Please get in touch with the owner of Dafont. You can send him a private message at

Aug 28, 2022 at 17:08  [reply]  Requirement To become Top Author

There's no minimum. It is just how your download compares to other font authors here at Dafont on a daily basis. See

RudyStaysForever said  
tophy52 said  
... and a 6pack of beer with it to take away ?
Anything else ?
It'll be 3.595,99$.
Charge or Debit?

this isnt a shop

True that this is not a shop. This is a forum where you can talk anything about fonts as long as it doesn't, directly or indirectly, spam the forum. Posting spam results to getting the message deleted and the poster banned.

I do not know if the poster is joking or not, but the figure he quoted is decent enough. It boils down to how much the designer wants to do it and how much the client is willing to pay. If you can agree on a certain amount, well and good. If not, then find someone else. It does not mean that because this is a free fonts site you can just ask something done for free. It doesn't work that way.

Aug 23, 2022 at 08:50  [reply]  How 'bout a hand?

It is best to ask the person who created that font to do the modification.

If he is open to the idea, he *might* do it for free but it will likely motivate him if you offer to pay for the changes that you need.

Jul 17, 2022 at 16:20  [reply]  Polices par défaut libres de droit ?

wejdene111 said  
Bonjour, j'aimerais utiliser une police que j'ai téléchargé sur le site sharefonts (linked removed) dans un livre que je vais publier sur Amazon KDP. Comment savoir si la police est libre de droit d'utilisation ?
La police se nomme "FUTURA", et j'utilise la "sous-police" nommée "FUTURA BOOK", ainsi que "FUTURA BOOK ITALIC".

The Futura that you downloaded from that site is not legal. Please buy the fonts from a legitimate font vendor on the web, example:

See the appropriate license for your use of the font

Jul 08, 2022 at 05:33  [reply]  Struggle for a big font

Jul 07, 2022 at 21:34  [reply]  Struggle for a big font

Did you try to enlarge the characters of a glyph? If you did, did you check if the font's vertical metrics is correct?

Jun 02, 2022 at 07:11  [reply]  Use for the company logo

Read the font author's conditions at

I thought the site would go on forever...
If the site will be closed, it will be reincarnated at the Wayback Machine

May 02, 2022 at 15:30  [reply]  DigitalX by The Digital Oasis

There is a copy of at the Wayback Machine but the letter D font listing does not extend beyond the first page so that particular font is not available there.

Apr 18, 2022 at 07:41  [reply]  What's the name of these 2 fonts ?


Identified font: Nimbus Sans UltraLight

Apr 17, 2022 at 21:08  [reply]  TeacherOffDuty Font

Make it bold - faux bold in your program

Identified font: Dulcelin

From your link, here's their licensing page but it does not mention how much. You should really get in touch with them

Considering the situation, there's no guarantee that they still have control over their social media accounts as these are likely tied to their email from their old domain. You are not even sure if whoever now owns the domain has taken control of their PayPal account as the email address used there is

Your only choice now is to get in touch with them by postal mail. If by chance they are no longer in that address, their local post office might have their forwarding address. You will find their postal address at

Have you sent them a private message here at Dafont? If not, try There is also an email address at

The linked website is working. In fact, it was last updated on April 10, 2022. Use their contact form However, their licensing page is gone.

Edit: removed the links

Edited on Apr 13, 2022 at 15:53 by toto@k22

I did not answer some of your questions because those are specific to your font editor and I have no idea how your font editor works.

For #1, I don't know how is it done in FontForge. In the font editor that I am using, you just unlock the vertical metrics then open the glyph window and then drag the baseline to where you want it placed.

For #2, right click on a glyph in the font window (or open the glyph), then choose properties. Enter the glyph name and then click on the jewel on the unicode which the font editor will autofill. You can also do it the other way - enter the unicode and click on the jewel for the glyph name.

I do not use FontForge but it can do what my font editor does. Many here use FontForge and they might be able to help you when it comes to that program.

I have no idea about your font editor but you need a real font editor. Have you tried FontForge - - it is absolutely free and I read here Claude mentioned that it can import SVG files. It will allow you access to the settings that you wanted to change.

You only see Horiz because that section refers to the horizontal metrics of the glyph. The following are just pure guesses:

Horiz. Advance X: 1024 - could be the glyph width
Horiz. Origin X: 0 - could be the left sidebearing. Value is negative if the character extends beyond the left edge of the glyph
Horiz. Origin Y: 256 - could be the right sidebearing

The sidebearing is the space/distance from the character to the left or right edge of the glyph. Since advance was mentioned then it might be referring to the sidebearing. Does your character touch the left edge of the glyph? If it does, then Horiz. Origin X is your left sidebearing.

As for the vertical metrics, it refers to the 5 settings mentioned after Family Name in Font Face Attributes.

Units per em: 1024 - this is your font's UPM.
Ascent: 768 - the top edge of the character with the highest structure.
Descent: 256 - the bottom edge of the character with the lowest structure. This should be a negative value since it's measured from the baseline. Ascent + |Descent| = UPM
Cap Height: 717 - the top edge of the uppercase letters
x Height: 512 - the top edge of the lowercase x, might be the default of your editor.

Vertical metrics is global while horizontal metrics is glyph specific.

BTW it is OK for a TTF to have a 1000 UPM.

The page was last updated 7 years ago but you might still find answers at

Mar 09, 2022 at 04:16  [reply]  Donde buscar fuentes

amlo1108 said  
alguien sabe donde puedo conseguir la tipografía o la familia tipográfica "Bold Gradient"

This font has a style named Bold Gradient. Scroll down and see the preview of Star Fighter Bold Gradient (starfighterboldgrad.ttf)

Mar 05, 2022 at 15:47  [reply]  Quiero esta fuente y no se encuentra

The CIB Font Sans is a custom font created by Vasava for Grupo Bancolombia. For more info, see

You will not find a legitimate copy of this font in the wild. You will have to get it directly from Bancolombia

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