Old Press
What software do you use to make grunge fonts?
Illustrator, Font Creator, and Studo 5 Fontlab.
Hi I love this font, where can I purchase a license for commercial use?
Hello, to use this font for a non-profit fundraiser's marketing material, do I need to make a donation for a licence? Cheers
You can use this font for free.
hi, can we use the font for stickers for the merchandising of a campaign for supporting refugees in europe?
we΄re non-profit, the stickers will be sold in germany and the money we collect is raised to finance the campaign costs -and if we get more than we need it will be forwarded to refugee organisations.
Yes, you can use this font for free for this purpose.
Hi, where can I purchase this font with an european license and how much would it cost?
Users Price
1 2 1 x Basic Purchasing 50
3 10 3 x Basic Purchasing 150
11 50 8 x Basic Purchasing 400
51 150 15 x Basic Purchasing 750
151 300 22 x Basic Purchasing 1,100
301 1000 40 x Basic Purchasing 2,000
1001 5000 60 x Basic Purchasing 3,000
5000 20,000 90 x Basic Purchasing 4,500
Unlimited 100 x Basic Purchasing 5,000
Hi! I am trying to print a banner for a birthday and the capital H's, O's and the "&" sign won't print. All of the other letters print but those. Any ideas? Thanks!
I do not do the slightest idea.
If I 'll use the font on my business card, how much does it cost?
I am unclear as to what is personal use. To use this font to make some motivation posters to post on Pinterest,Twitter and my personal blog, do I need to acquire a commercial license? Thanks you!
hello, do i need to make a donation for a licence if i want use the font for t-shirt in triatlon race by organized by non-profit civic association? thanks for your answer in advance :)
Hello, I am a designer, I put your font in a title in a proposal for a half sheet notice that will be placed on many notices and 7cm x 7cm stickers that will be massively distributed throughout my country, we have no profit, but If it is an entity that works for the government, in order to promote a statistical campaign, could we use the source freely? I am in the process of design approval, but I would like to be sure.
Do I need a license to use this font in my personal artwork?