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Old Press

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 960,473 downloads (34 yesterday)   Free for personal use - 2 font files


GeronimoFonts  Jan 19, 2014
What software do you use to make grunge fonts?
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Jan 20, 2014
Illustrator, Font Creator, and Studo 5 Fontlab.
albert sancor  Apr 17, 2015
Hi I love this font, where can I purchase a license for commercial use?
leroysorrell  Jul 07, 2015
Hello, to use this font for a non-profit fundraiser's marketing material, do I need to make a donation for a licence? Cheers
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Jul 07, 2015
You can use this font for free.
leroysorrell  Jul 07, 2015
Cool, thanks man!
lou_he  Jul 09, 2015
hi, can we use the font for stickers for the merchandising of a campaign for supporting refugees in europe?
we΄re non-profit, the stickers will be sold in germany and the money we collect is raised to finance the campaign costs -and if we get more than we need it will be forwarded to refugee organisations.
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Jul 09, 2015
Yes, you can use this font for free for this purpose.
lou_he  Jul 09, 2015
Thank You!!
blue_dandelion  Jul 20, 2015
Hi, where can I purchase this font with an european license and how much would it cost?
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Jul 20, 2015
Users Price
1 – 2 1 x Basic Purchasing € 50
3 – 10 3 x Basic Purchasing € 150
11 – 50 8 x Basic Purchasing € 400
51 – 150 15 x Basic Purchasing € 750
151 – 300 22 x Basic Purchasing € 1,100
301 – 1000 40 x Basic Purchasing € 2,000
1001 – 5000 60 x Basic Purchasing € 3,000
5000 – 20,000 90 x Basic Purchasing € 4,500
Unlimited 100 x Basic Purchasing € 5,000
brittanyk147  Aug 19, 2015
Hi! I am trying to print a banner for a birthday and the capital H's, O's and the "&" sign won't print. All of the other letters print but those. Any ideas? Thanks!
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Aug 20, 2015
I do not do the slightest idea.
Pipoi  Aug 28, 2015
If I 'll use the font on my business card, how much does it cost?
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Aug 28, 2015
Please, contact me:
heartwood  Jan 06, 2016
I am unclear as to what is personal use. To use this font to make some motivation posters to post on Pinterest,Twitter and my personal blog, do I need to acquire a commercial license? Thanks you!
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Jan 11, 2016
ElaHm  Jul 10, 2017
hello, do i need to make a donation for a licence if i want use the font for t-shirt in triatlon race by organized by non-profit civic association? thanks for your answer in advance :)
pomiladi  Nov 30, 2017
Hello, I am a designer, I put your font in a title in a proposal for a half sheet notice that will be placed on many notices and 7cm x 7cm stickers that will be massively distributed throughout my country, we have no profit, but If it is an entity that works for the government, in order to promote a statistical campaign, could we use the source freely? I am in the process of design approval, but I would like to be sure.
Emerita  Mar 13, 2018
Do I need a license to use this font in my personal artwork?
galdinootten  author of Old Press   Mar 13, 2018
Please, contact me:

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