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Posts by pilaster

May 02, 2015 at 15:46  [reply]  Help with Bombshell Pro

I don't use Windows, but this seems to be the solution (not for Opentype support, (as Kat has pointed out)

On a Mac you can access special characters using Character viewer.

Apr 29, 2015 at 18:13  [reply]  Letter L

Apr 29, 2015 at 09:08  [reply]  Indian

Either scaled, and sheared, or possibly the earlier version…

Identified font: Indian Script

Apr 28, 2015 at 09:35  [reply]  Help


Suggested font: Básica

Apr 28, 2015 at 09:32  [reply]  Help


Identified font: Velocity

Apr 27, 2015 at 13:45  [reply]  Animal Font Lion

A wide variety of dingbat fonts, some of which contain lions…here

Apr 25, 2015 at 10:22  [reply]  What font is this?

Identified font: Hamilton Ornate

Apr 24, 2015 at 01:16  [reply]  Please help

Props to jerseygirl for this one

Apr 23, 2015 at 21:28  [reply]  Please help

No worries. If you have a bigger sample, you may get a 100% ID. (You may get one yet from someone with younger eyes )

Apr 23, 2015 at 21:06  [reply]  Please help

Looks like a cut of Baskerville (maybe even Mrs Eaves!), but sample too small for my old eyes to say 100% which one…

Suggested font: Baskerville

Apr 23, 2015 at 01:20  [reply]  Email Addresses Viewable to Public

Not really sure this is a cause for revolt, to be honest… does not the 'lions share' of the fault here lie betwixt the keyboard and the chair back. If you don't want your email address, or any other infos shown about you, isn't it your responsibility to check the settings on your account, rather than just expecting the default settings to suit your personal preferences? It's not exactly rocket surgery, or brain science (insert complicated thing of choice here) to change your settings when you sign up for an account, is it? Agreed, one would prefer an 'opt in', rather than an 'opt out' to having personal infos published on line, especially when an email address is a 'required' field in an account, but we also have a responsibility to check what we are signing up to meets our own preferences, when we open an on line account, don't we? If other users feel the same way, mayhap the staff here will take note and change the default settings, but users can take note and change their own settings, if they feel the same as you do.

Apr 20, 2015 at 23:04  [reply]  Garamond-Type Font

Private message will explain.

Apr 20, 2015 at 22:39  [reply]  Garamond-Type Font

It's some hinky scaling after all…

The top line appears to be scaled on a glyph by glyph basis. It's hard to tell from a slightly soft original, but I'd say with 100% confidence that that's a match. Since the scaling is odd, it's not impossible the original designer made some other slight adjustments…

Apr 20, 2015 at 22:21  [reply]  Garamond-Type Font

My old eyes on the scaling I'm Long overdue a visit to Specsavers™

Apr 20, 2015 at 21:59  [reply]  Garamond-Type Font

Not sure why you ruled out Adobe Garamond, as, as far as my old eyes can tell, that's what it is. I think there is just some hinky scaling applied to the 'GOD' part of the text…

Identified font: Adobe Garamond

A bit more info would be helpful. What apps are you having problems with (Illustrator, Word, Inkscape?)? Is this on Mac OS (as it appears to be) or some other OS? Whatever you use, have you checked that the kerning and/or tracking haven't been set to something odd, which could cause the spacing to be off?

"The fonts don't have an * next to them but are still not recognising them when I import a document."
Can you select and use the fonts in question in a new document in Illustrator? (Are they showing up in the fonts menu in Illustrator and other apps and can you use them?)
If so, have you tried selecting the effected text, changing it to a different font, then changing it back to the original?

It's a cut of this, but is too distorted and faint to tell which

Identified font: Arnold Boecklin

Apr 16, 2015 at 12:27  [reply]  What this Font?


Identified font: Anglo Text

Apr 16, 2015 at 11:58  [reply]  Leffe "apéronomie"

Identified font: Wisdom Script

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