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 975,834 downloads (106 yesterday)   100% Free - 2 font files


MXROSS  Jun 17, 2016
I would like to use this font for a logo. It would go on my social medias et Twitch account. Since it's mark as 100% free I guess you would be ok with that. If anything's bothering you, you can contact me at ross.maxime@hotmail.com
I think your work is absolutely great !
mramirez  Aug 02, 2016
Hello, i would like to use your font for titles and a logo, It says it´s free but if you have any objection please contact me at marianaramirez71@gmail.com. Thanks!
anera  Jun 06, 2017
Can this used for commercial use? Please email me : aneraogol@gmail.com Thanks very much!
Nicola_G20  Aug 02, 2017
Hi! My client wants to use this font for commercial use, I see it is marked as 100% free and I have already messaged you on this but haven't gotten a reply yet. Could you email me at nicolagallagher17@gmail.com if you have an issue with this, thanks!
rw  Sep 20, 2017
Nice font, I would like to use this font in my game, It say's free but if you have any objection please contact me at rwarhokar@gmail.com

Sharonsaad  Oct 16, 2017
I would like to purchase this font for commercial use. Please email me at sharonsaad@gmail.com for how to go about that.
Ole-Jacob  Dec 06, 2017
Hey! I would like to use this on a castingposter on facebook! It says it`s free for commercial use, but if you have any objections please email me at ole-jacob@hotmail.com :) Thanks!
ParvaStudio  Jan 11, 2018
I would like to use this on a commercial sticker-pack, It says it's free for commercial use, but if you have any objections please email me at amir.parva@gmail.com :)
moses.  Apr 20, 2018
can I use this font for commercial use?
Please email me at zietak@moses-verlag.de
pfaffi89  Aug 01, 2018

I would like to use this font for a commercial use, too. Is it possible?
Please email me at pfaffi89@t-online.de
Thank you!
danruss  Aug 16, 2018
Hi, Nice font. I would like to use this for a visual identity. It says 100% free but do contact me if any problems:

danruss  Aug 21, 2018
Hi, Nice font. I would like to use this for a visual identity. It says 100% free but do contact me if any problems:

cattrick  Sep 15, 2018
nice font! I would like to use this for a poster of my school club. It says 100% free but do contact me if any problems:
aryawipra10  Jan 16, 2019
I really like this font! I would like to use this font for my Youtube videos and for their thumbnails, since it says 100% free. If you have any problem with this you can contact me at awipra@gmail.com
James_BadAlchemy  Feb 05, 2019
Awesome font!
With your approval, I'd love to use this font for our newest game. Contact me for more information :)

harrojackmills  Mar 16, 2019
Great font. 100% free sounds great, but please contact me if there are any problems. jack@harro.ca
CreatuveJenn  Jul 02, 2019
Hello I'm interested in using this font for a title logo for a web comic that will be posted on tapas, webtoons and my own website and possibly for print is it okay if I use it? My email is jennilafferty7@gmail.com
AndrejRisch  Aug 27, 2019
You made a very nice Font.
I want to use it in my new game commercially. If there are any objections contact me please. My email is andrej.risch89@gmail.com
Hello, I like your font so much that I want to use it for documents, logos and even series and games and everything. It says it's free, okay, if you agree send me a message at jhonnysheraouifonts@gmail.com
wthompson150  May 10, 2020

Cool font! I'm looking to use it for a t-shirt design. Please email me at wthompson150@gmail.com if there are any problems. Thank you!
Luis Tapia Aguilera  May 13, 2020
Hola, me gustaría usar tu fuente para difusión de piezas gráficas en redes sociales con temas relacionados a cultura. Si tienes una objeción me podrías escribir a luis@odes.cl
erica.nelson  Jun 11, 2020
Hello, great looking font. It says 100% free so I would like to use it for t-shirt creations. Please email me if that's an issue. Thank you! erica.nelson1307@yahoo.com
geodinho  Jun 11, 2020
This is a great font! Id like to use it for a t shirt creation. it says 100% free but if there's any problem feel free to contact me! geodinhodesigns@gmail.com
jb_jbernardo_jr  Jun 27, 2020
Nice font, I would like to use this font in my game, It say's free but if you have any objection please contact me at jrsbr.lic16@uea.edu.br

serenkneetea  Jul 02, 2020
Lovely font, I would like to use it for my business . it says 100% free but if there's any problem feel free to contact me! sohautesochic@gmail.com
AnySan  Aug 09, 2020
hi, I would like to use this font for a logo and comercial use. but if you have any objection please contact me at lloronaocatrin@gmail.com

greenious  Aug 09, 2020
Would like to use this font for my business. if any objection, please contact me @ jieni.peh@gmail.com. Thank you.
prettydorito  Aug 09, 2020
Hey, i really like the font, nice job! I´m gonna use it for a drawing comission ad, if anything is wrong with that, you can email me at laprettydorito@gmail.com
agostinaestella  Aug 26, 2020
Hola, me gustaría usar esta tipografía para un proyecto de identidad visual. Dice 100% gratuita, si estás de acuerdo o tienes una objeción, por favor, contactame a agostinaestella@gmail.com

Hi, I would like to use this for a visual identity. It says 100% free but do contact me if you agree or if any problems
bikumiku  Aug 28, 2020
Hi, its a nice font! It says 100% for commercial use.
I would like to use this font for my comercial comics projects. But if you have any objection please contact me at jamurkomik@gmail.com
Thank you.
Lintung  Sep 10, 2020
Hi, its a awesome font! It says 100%. I would like to use it to my tshirt design & my comicstrip, if you have any objection please contact me at lintangpubgm@gmail.com
prudo  Dec 16, 2020
Hi, I would like to use this font for my business, it says it's 100% free for commercial use, but if you have any objections please email me at paul_rudolf@gmx.de.
Thank you.
Audihana  Jan 12, 2021
Hai di font ini tercantum 100% free. Apa itu termasuk untuk penggunaan komersial? Saya ingin menggunakan font ini untuk di sampul buku saya, nanti. Jika saya salah mohon beritahu di audihana29@gmail.com terima kasih
kk_kaylee  Jan 14, 2021
Hi, I love this font and was wondering if I could please use it for commercial use? It say that it is 100% free but wanted to make sure this is true!
Please email me at kkcricutprojects@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Nick Geo  Jan 29, 2021
Hi,I would like to use this font in my game, It say's free but if you have any objection please contact me at nickgeo2012@gmail.com
tuftyclaws  Feb 22, 2021
Hi, I would like to use this font for commercial use on printed merchandise. It says 100% free, but if you have any objections please get in touch sales@tuftyclaws.co.uk
gemma2712  Feb 25, 2021
I love this font. I'd love to use it for my business (small scale). Can you please email me if there's any conditions gemmalpeate@hotmail.co.uk
andy@indiespring.com  Mar 30, 2021
Hey, my client wants to use this font for commercial use, i see it is for free. But I just want to make sure it can be used. Can you please contact me andy@indiespring.com
hiboxian  Jul 29, 2021
I'd like to use this for commercial use (for my small business). Can you please email me if there's any objection snuraisyah80@gmail.com
Thank you :)
satrioaln  Aug 04, 2021
Hi, I see your font license is 100% free. I want to use the font for the logo title for my small business. If you have any objections please let me know at alansatria888@gmail.com thanks :)
al2xsandr1  Sep 01, 2021
Hi! Is this font for personal use or can I use it commercially? My email is alexsandra_barros@outlook.com
nuriya  Sep 05, 2021
Hello, I would like to use your font for commercial use. Can you please email me if there's any abjection at Nhoudamerraha@gmail.com
hcolin80  Nov 01, 2021
hi, I would like to use this font for a logo and commercial use. But if you have any objection please contact me at hcolin80@gmail.com

Claudia Pfeil  Dec 16, 2021
Thanks for the lovely font.As it is shown for 100% free I will just give you the information, that we will use it for a packaging design text in an austrian product.
Thanks again
JiyeonChoi  May 18, 2022
The font is so cool. Can I use this font to make a logo? Is it a problem with trademark registration?
dedi83  Jan 27, 2023

This font is very cute. I'd love to use this font for commercial purposes. Can you please email me at d_dianderas@yahoo.com
if there's any objection?
Thank you very much and have a nice day
GoopLad  Mar 01, 2023
Hello, I'd love to use this font for commercial purposes on a logo design, it says free but just in case if there is any trouble with font commercial use please contact me:

divrhmwt  Mar 27, 2023
Hello, This font is so cool. I'd like to use your font for cover book and commercial use. It says free but if you any objection, please contact me at divarahmawati511@gmail.com

Thank you very much!
Kai ryu !  Dec 07, 2023
hi, I would like to use this font for a logo and commercial use. but if you have any objection, please contact me at rkdms0222@gmail.com
douglastg  Aug 29, 2024
Hi, This font is really nice! I would like to use it for my game. It says 100% free, but if you have any objection, please contact me at douglas@carameldogstudios.com

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