New Romantics
I love this font I think it's so purrrrty!
I love this font but when i download it, it dont wotk :(
i love this font but how do you use it n everytime i download it, it doesnt work..ughh
hello. i´m from germany and I do not understand what means "free for personal use". This font is very cool but Idon´t what to buy anything. I´m only 13 years old. Please write me back.
i know i have wanted this font forever!!!!!!!
but it doesnt work it doesnt show up and when i find it it says windows searching and browse for yourself and i cant find it! ugh please fix it!
yea i no the reason y i cant cuz its a zip file how do i change the type of file??????????????????comment bak plz!!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(
I get this warning message on my Mac when I try to install this font:
"Problems may have been found with some fonts during validation. One minor problem was found, proceed with caution."
Can anyone explain why? And if you have downloaded it safely I would love to hear about that. THANK YOU!
amo esta letra, no tuve ningún problema al descargarla ni al usarla, cabe destacar que estoy desde mi pc
it is safe to use, don't worry about the pop-up !!
it means that you can use it for your own personal things, but not for industrial business use. eg, using it on a logo
You cant change the type of file, you just need to extract it. When you click into the zipped folder, in the top right-hand corner there should be a button which says 'extract all'
Hi there, how to buy this font? I want to use it legally
hi, how can i buy this font?
Hi guys, I also get this warning message on my Mac when I try to install this font:
"Problems may have been found with some fonts during validation. One minor problem was found, proceed with caution."
I have a presentation this week and really want to use it but it seems that Microsoft Powerpoint doesn’t support this font ( I can’t find it anywhere eventhough it’s still on my Font Book). Does anyone know how to fix it? Tysm.
Why is the file not supported and different from other font files???? Im not abl3 to import it anywhere for some reason :// even after i extracted it it didnt change for some reason
hello, how i buy license of this font to use for commercial purpose?
Can I buy this font for commercial use?
Please fix this i love this font sm but when i add IT into capcut then is shows"filé not supported"please fix it.😭
Cette police est tres bien et elle est safe