New Facebook

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theadrian  Apr 03, 2009
=O =O

Amazing..!! =D
anke-art  Apr 04, 2009
how funny, I had a similar idea for a font in mind :)

well done!
prask  author of New Facebook   Apr 04, 2009
i´m planning to add some characters later :)
bumbayo  Apr 05, 2009
máš novú bundu?
prask  author of New Facebook   Apr 05, 2009
mam :D dve
kara-elleno  Jul 02, 2009
i love this
sammeers  Sep 08, 2009
how do i get a code for myspace cause i want Sam Meers in this writting .... do u have a code for it??
bundyboy3  Nov 15, 2009
how can i put this on my myspace account please help me get it onto my computer it wont llet me copy and paste it for some reason?
bornfree  Feb 28, 2010
thanks! a good idea :)
TeagaN  Apr 29, 2010
oooooh this is cool!
Rain1  Nov 07, 2010
I like this font. It looks very cool!
By the way, not long ago I downloaded some fonts from free files search . Hope you'll like them too.
djimaestro  Jan 08, 2011
This one is great, but I'm looking for a font near to the real facebook one, for the image link I'm doing to facebook ( Any idea ?
imarion  Apr 12, 2011
I downloaded some fonts from free files search hope you like them.  May 24, 2011
love this font!
can i use it for commericial stuff?
Nagelstudio  Nov 17, 2011
great i took it for my website
brek  Feb 15, 2012
Avenuedudesign  Jan 06, 2015

Please can you contact me, because I Want to use your font for my commercial use, so please, contact me at my mail adress :


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