Linux Libertine

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 1,535,077 downloads (241 yesterday)   Public domain / GPL / OFL - 16 font files


plainjaney  Sep 21, 2015
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Thanks in advance.
Nicoleta001  Oct 24, 2015
Hi..! Great Font! Me too I would like to used for commercial use!! let me know!!
understaim  Nov 09, 2015
Hi. I love your font :) Can I please use it for commercial use? let me know
matteoguazzone  Nov 16, 2015
Hello, I did not understand in the license, if I can use it or not!
I'd use this font for commercial use (for magazine), is it possible? Please contact me: thank u
JAVIERJT  Jul 21, 2016
Hello, you fonts are amazing. I am writing a book, Can I use it or Linux Biolinum in my job??
ceciliablc  Aug 06, 2016
Hello, i love your font, very good job ! Is it possible to use it for a commercial logo please ? thanks a lot
sitroy  Aug 31, 2016
Hi, this font is great. Can I use it for commercial use? Please contact me :, thx!
mtralph  Oct 01, 2016
Hello:) Am I able to use this for small commercial use?
pilimorua  Oct 19, 2016
Hi, this font is great.
I can use this font for commercial use (magazine)?
anacaroline  Jan 03, 2017
oi, gostaria se saber se sua fonte pode ser usada comercialmente (já q é domínio público)
ellenaa00  Jan 08, 2017
Hi, I really like your font. Can I please use for commercial? Please let me know
ROBMOOSE  Jan 16, 2017
Hello, Could you please tell me if this great font can be used in commercial wok?
Many thanks,
Jessica Whitmore  Feb 16, 2017
Hi. Can this font be used for commercial use (logo/web/etc)? Please let me know. Thank you!
mrlangley  Mar 24, 2017
Hi, I would like to know the same as most people, can this font be used for commercial use?
simonysays  Mar 27, 2017
Public domain fonts are free for commercial use. If you are looking for fonts you can use commercially you can set the search parameters to include only public domain fonts:
Alberto M  Jun 18, 2017
Hey, this is a great font, can you let me know if i can use it for commercial purposes?
Sarav  Oct 18, 2017
Hi, can I use this font for commercial use?
dav2727  Oct 29, 2017
Hi, can I use this font for commercial use?
chelleveyz  Nov 16, 2017
Hi, am I able to use this for a logo? Thanks!
Please email me
Rabi17  Dec 13, 2017
It's beautiful font
this font can be used for commercial (logo) purposes?
Email me black-

Thank You
mierk  Jan 06, 2018
Hi, love your font! Can I use it for commercial use (magazine)? Please contact me:
Juri Krutii  Jan 08, 2018
Hi there!

This is a great font that suits my project really well, could I use it on my student film? contact me at:
Jhawk  Jan 30, 2018
Hi Please may I use your Font for commercial use :)
fracy  Feb 23, 2018
hi there, i like your font. may i use it for commercial use?
chicthing  Mar 11, 2018
Thanks for uploading such a clean font. Do you mind sending over the license use guidelines to

Thank you so much.
hoseokstan  Mar 21, 2018
loving your font! Could I please use it for commercial use?
Thanks in advance!
Please let me know
tsellorit  May 02, 2018
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Thanks in advance.
wjswl21  May 03, 2018
Hi,Ilove your font! Can I use it for commercial use (website)? If i can't use commercial use, is it possible for my personal portfolio ? Please contact me:
dafont001sar  May 21, 2018

May I please use your font for commercial use/in a logo.

Please could you reply at

Thanks in advance.
ellen4  May 25, 2018
Hey, I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Thanks in advance.
AlexishunterAutor  Aug 11, 2018

I love your font. I see it is public domain, but i'm not sure. Can i use it for commercial ebooks?

Please could you reply at

Thanks a lot

(And Sorry for my bad english)
Bonaria  Oct 10, 2018

Can I use it for commercial use?
I have a nutrition project and i like to use for the logo and the web.
The project is mine but it will be commercial.

Please could you reply at

ellicejkang  Nov 15, 2018
Hello! I love your font. May I use it for commercial use? Please let me know at Thank you!
park..  Mar 04, 2019
hello~ i really love your font. can i use it commercial use?
and i will used your font in cloths
I will wait for your opinion. (im korean so understand my english sentence)
humancat  Mar 27, 2019
love this! Can I get permission for commercial use? Thank you
ClaLaStyle  May 24, 2019
Hello,can I use your Font for commercial use? I have a small shop for handmade goods. Thank you
dosi  Jul 06, 2019
Hi. I LOVE THIS FONT! :) So, I want to use this font as a brand logo. Is it OK? I want to make and sell some products with the logo made this font..(for example iphone case, eco bag, etc.) let me know if there’s a copyright problem. please could you reply at my e-mail. ->
thank you. :)
youngeun kim  Jul 30, 2019
I really love your fonts!
Can I use it for commercial use?
Please let me know at my e-mail!

Thanks a lot!
rushhourroutine  Aug 13, 2019
This font is beautiful.
Can I use it for commercial use?(Package design)
please could you reply at my e-mail ( )
Thank you :)
Ivan Magro  Aug 14, 2019
Buen dia....una fuente muy elegante. Lo puedo usar para un logotipo? favor de autorizarme por favor.
Gracias de antemano!!!
PABLO HIDALGO  Aug 15, 2019
Buenos días, por favor autorización para descargar fuente, es para trabajo de examen. De antemano Gracias.
DanisdeMarseille  Sep 11, 2019
Merci pour cette très jolie police.
Elle me portera surement chance pour mon mémoire de diplôme ! this is not for commercial use, can I use it?
skachdms  Dec 23, 2019
Hi Can I use your fonts for commercial logos? Please reply to this email.
A Treasured Design  Jan 28, 2020
I really love your fonts!
Can I use it for commercial use?
Please let me know at my e-mail!
mr_drum  Feb 08, 2020
I love your font!!
I have a small instagram business and would like to use your font. Please let me know at
Thanks in advance :)
sunhwa50  Feb 10, 2020
I love your font.
May I use it for commercial use(for our company website)?
pls let me know
Slauren  Apr 03, 2020
I am interested in your font.
May I use it for commercial use (hotel signage) ?
Please let me know.
Thank you,
indrakurs  May 12, 2020
Hi! I want to know if I can use this as my logo personal branding?
Please let me know.
woong  May 19, 2020
Hello! May I use this font for commercial use? Please, contact me at

Thanks for your time!
Rolls&Sun  Jun 05, 2020

Excuse me, can I use it for commercial use?
I have a project and i want to use it for
my commercial brand name, and i want product clothes,cap,,etc

I will wait for your opinion.

Thanks you.
stuaredesign  Jun 19, 2020
Gostei muito da sua fonte e gostaria de poder usa-lá em um projeto de identidade visual.
Waterpatterns  Jun 30, 2020
Hello, can I use this font for commercial use?
Please let me know.
I really like this font.
precker  Jul 24, 2020
Good morning, May I use your font for commercial use? Please let me know at your earliest convenience.


Thank you,
Mihee Oh  Aug 12, 2020
Hello. I would like to know if I can use this font as my personal brand logo and if it can be used for other commercial purposes.
please let me know. Thank you.
hyun tek oh  Aug 30, 2020
Hi. I really like your font.
Can I use your font as a commercial logo Please?
Please could you reply at
Bukhairi  Dec 17, 2020
Hi. I really like your font.
Can I use your font as a commercial logo Please?
Please could you reply at
avditra  Dec 24, 2020
Hi. I really like your font.
Can I use your font for my clothes design?
Please could you reply at
mjoy  Jan 07, 2021
Hello, I absolutely love this font!
I want to double check if I can use this commercially?

Please let me know at:

Thank you!
anton bramasta  Jan 07, 2021
Hi. I really like your font.
Can I use your font as a commercial use Please?
Please could you reply at
becsjeffs  Feb 03, 2021
Your font is beautiful! Can I use it commercially? Please email me on if that is okay! - Becs
sangee0703  Feb 06, 2021
Hi. I really like your font.
I want to make a travel postcard and sell it.
Can I use your font as a commercial use Please?
Please could you reply at
vsl  Feb 28, 2021
Hi, may i use your font commercially for book cover? You could reply at
Thank you.
TFI_NL  Mar 23, 2021
I really love your font!
Can I use it for commercial use?
Please could you reply at my E-mail (
Thank you so much.
mycardinalhome  Apr 24, 2021
I would love to use this font for commercial purposes for my small business.
Could you please reply at

Thank you
Yesseniadiaz07  May 25, 2021
Hey!! Me gusta mucho la fuente ¿Puedo utilizarla comercialmente? Espero una respuesta
kkoo11  Jun 15, 2021
Hi. I love your font :) Can I please use it for commercial use? let me know
irisx  Jun 16, 2021
Hi, I love your font. Could I use it for commercial use?
Please let me know. Thank you.
Alif Rahman Firdaus  Jul 18, 2021
Hi author, I love your font design. great job.
Could I use it for commercial use please?
PLease let me know at
Thank you so much...
Jinny1212  Jul 26, 2021
Hi.Thanks for your wonderful font. Could I use it for commercial use~? Please let me know
Thank you.
jacky_dc  Aug 05, 2021
I like your font. Can i use it for commercial use? Please let me know.
Thank you
dabo318  Sep 09, 2021
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Thanks in advance.
Yuichillow  Oct 15, 2021
Hello. Can I use this font commercially? Please reply to my email as well.
Thank you
rayhanrc200  Nov 23, 2021
Hi. i love your fonts, can i use it for my startup business and commercial use? Thanks before
conque  Dec 18, 2021
Hi! This is amazing font! Can I use for commercial use? (logos, websites, print etc.) Please reply! Thank you.
salmawn  Feb 20, 2022
hello, i love your font. may i use it for my clothes design? please let me know thanks in advance
instant.immorte  Mar 04, 2022
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Thanks in advance.
giryangkim  Mar 25, 2022
Hi. I really like your font.
Can I use your font as a commercial logo Please?
Please could you reply at
leeyeon-gyeong  Apr 15, 2022
Hello. I love your font. May I use it for commercial use? Please let me know at Thank you! :)
DOBALKIM  Aug 13, 2022
Hi!:) I love your font!! Can I use it for commercial use? Please let me know Thanks!!
lee_hak_  Aug 29, 2022
Hi! font is awesome!
I would like to use this font for making logo for brand.
Could you send me an authorization fot the email address at
Thank you for your kindness!
Hyungju  Sep 16, 2022
Hi!, This font is realy great!
I'd use this font for commercial use (for food package), is it possible? Please contact me:
Thank u!
Enit  Oct 27, 2022
Hi, I would like to ask for the use of your nice font in a book,that will be published as ebook and for printing. Do you say ok? Please use for reply. Thanx a lot.
za.designs  Dec 09, 2022
Hi! this font is really good. best serif I have seen. can I use it for commercial use? please let me know by emailing me at
DONNET  Dec 23, 2022
Hello, is it possible to use your font for commercial use (sale of an educational book). Thank you.
SimonSing  Jan 07, 2023
Hello there!
This is a great font, I'd love to print it on cards and then hold them up to the camera in my youtube videos. I have no monetary intentions with the videos/channel, but Youtube itself is considered a commercial platform as far as I know, so ... please let me know what you say: thank you for an answer
angfor  Feb 12, 2023
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for commercial use? Will wait for your reply ! Thank you so much!
효효  Apr 20, 2023
Hi! I love this font and Can I use this font for commercial use(like web graphics)?
Please let me know
Thank you :)
Bnvick  Jun 27, 2023
Hello I may I use your font for commercial use? I love it!
n_a_m_  Sep 07, 2023
I love your font! May I use it for commercial use(tshirts)?
Please let me know
Rasterie  Sep 16, 2023
Hi. I love your font. Can I please use it for social media post (quotes&studies) etc ? Thanks in advance.
Mr.1st Designer  Jan 15, 2024
Goodnight. I really like your font. Can I use it for commercial use please? Here's my email to respond to

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