Hello, I did not understand in the license, if I can use it or not!
I'd use this font for commercial use (for magazine), is it possible? Please contact me: matteoguazzone@gmail.com thank u
Public domain fonts are free for commercial use. If you are looking for fonts you can use commercially you can set the search parameters to include only public domain fonts:
Hi,Ilove your font! Can I use it for commercial use (website)? If i can't use commercial use, is it possible for my personal portfolio ? Please contact me: kon1704@naver.com
hello~ i really love your font. can i use it commercial use?
and i will used your font in cloths
I will wait for your opinion. p011026@naver.com (im korean so understand my english sentence)
Hi. I LOVE THIS FONT! :) So, I want to use this font as a brand logo. Is it OK? I want to make and sell some products with the logo made this font..(for example iphone case, eco bag, etc.) let me know if there’s a copyright problem. please could you reply at my e-mail. -> dosiemail@gmail.com
thank you. :)
This font is beautiful.
Can I use it for commercial use?(Package design)
please could you reply at my e-mail ( rushhourroutine@naver.com )
Thank you :)
Merci pour cette très jolie police.
Elle me portera surement chance pour mon mémoire de diplôme ! this is not for commercial use, can I use it?
DanisdeMarseille matis@netcourrier.com
I love your font!!
I have a small instagram business and would like to use your font. Please let me know at mrdrum92@gmail.com
Thanks in advance :)
Hello. I would like to know if I can use this font as my personal brand logo and if it can be used for other commercial purposes.
please let me know. Thank you.
Hi. I really like your font.
I want to make a travel postcard and sell it.
Can I use your font as a commercial use Please?
Please could you reply at pksah1004@gmail.com
Hi author, I love your font design. great job.
Could I use it for commercial use please?
PLease let me know at dausalif10@gmail.com
Thank you so much...
Hi! font is awesome!
I would like to use this font for making logo for brand.
Could you send me an authorization fot the email address at hjhj1313@gmail.com
Thank you for your kindness!
Hi!, This font is realy great!
I'd use this font for commercial use (for food package), is it possible? Please contact me: 1126islife@gmail.com
Thank u!
Hi, I would like to ask for the use of your nice font in a book,that will be published as ebook and for printing. Do you say ok? Please use tubbeyer@web.de for reply. Thanx a lot.
Hello there!
This is a great font, I'd love to print it on cards and then hold them up to the camera in my youtube videos. I have no monetary intentions with the videos/channel, but Youtube itself is considered a commercial platform as far as I know, so ... please let me know what you say: simon.schulz77@gmail.com thank you for an answer
Hello, I am Korean.
I really liked your font, so I made a comment to ask if it would be commercially available.
If it can be used, please send an e-mail to yooriwm@gmail.com