Game Of Squids
1,477,677 downloads (2,833 yesterday) 100% Free - 2 font files
OHHH MY GOODNESS. You are so kind, thanksssss!!!!!
I spent so long looking for the perfect font OMG it was the first thing I see when I enter dafont. Really cool font tho
this show sucks your font suck because it has to do with that trash show not cool at all hope they take away your account long live king Jong un
your fat whale mom did you unfunny dad fucker
mrmilky, you're an internet troll
Hi Darrell flood, cool font, but I can ask you for the Russian version of the font !!!
Love the name of your cool font!
So love the name of this font. So blasted cute!
Finally 1 Million downloads!! :D
Thanks for all the positive comments all! And yeah, 1 million! That's crazy in such a short time. Cheers!
Darrell, this font is probably the shortest time with 1 million :O