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Fineliner Script

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turra y elegante  Apr 06, 2010
daniieliitthaa de don viinn♥♥♥
blackroses985  Apr 08, 2010
I love this font so much but could you maybe make it into a True Type font? The open kind doesn't work on my program oddly enough. Really cute font though =]
the sniper  Apr 09, 2010
so nice
jackiecsto  Jul 06, 2010
omg this is reali cool (: I'm using it everywhere
lb22  Nov 04, 2011
Is this font free for commercial use? Thanks,
Meaghan_Oliver  Oct 31, 2012
I am currently working on my first book and i would like to use your font on the cover can i use it?
KVDP  Jan 15, 2013
I have the same question as lb22, is this font free for commercial use? thank you! Karla
Drawperfect  author of Fineliner Script   Oct 13, 2013
No worries! 100% free for commercial use!
Cheers Paul ;)
kylierodger  Feb 17, 2014
Hi Drawperfect,

I am loving this font! I just want to get confirmation from you that it is free for commercial use. I want to use it for a Realtor on his feature sheets, business card and website. Thank you so much!
t'Plakkerke  Jun 01, 2015
oooh thank you that we can use it for commercial purposes
Joelia  Jul 02, 2018
Thank you very much, your work is wonderful.
Arèla  Mar 28, 2019
Merci de tout coeur pour cette merveilleuse écriture offerte au monde !!!
je vais vous faire un don !
et je vous montrerai mon oeuvre ensuite : carnet de voyage, avec beaucoup de peintures et dessin et un peu de texte : écrit avec Fineliner Script !

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