Fair Prosper
1,027,997 downloads (479 yesterday) 100% Free 21 comments
Apakah font ini gratis dan bebas seumur hidup untuk digunakan dimanapun?
Hello, I absolutely love this font!
Are we allowed to use this font for commercial purposes?
mabro author of Fair Prosper Sep 16, 2020
Syukur: Ya bro, silahkan dipake, insya Allah bakal gratis seumur hidup
DestinyErin: yes, you can use this font for commercial use
can i use this font in my web site logo and my brand (commercial purposes)
could you verify commercial use for me? Please email me at
ksb@gnintl.comcan i use this font in my web site logo and my brand (commercial purposes)
could you verify commercial use for me? Please email me at
ksb@gnintl.comHi, I'm a book design cover. Can I use your font for commersial use? If free, this really free or a limit for say this font free?
can i use this font for commercial use and if so do i need to pay a specific amount or just donate what ever amount?
let me know as my logo is almost done and i need to know.
Hai kak, bisakah saya pakai font ini untuk buku yang mau diterbitkan?
mas bro, saya izin untuk menggunakan font nya ya, keperluan banner periklanan online shop
Hai, saya ingin menggunakan font ini untuk cover e-book. Bolehkah?
Izinkan saya menggunakan font ini secara gratis untuk penggunaan personal dan komersial.
bro izin menggunakan font ini keperluan banner dan iklan
Love this font!!
can i use this font for a logo and commercial purposes?
Hello, if the font can be used to do Alphabet Clip Art for sell? Where letters is saved as image (PNG file) with glitter/gold texture for example?
kimwexlerponytail@gmail.com. I will be grateful for the explanation.
Hai, bolehkah diizinkan saya menggunakan font ini untuk personal dan komersial?
Haii, saya lihat font keren ini gratis 100%. Saya izin menggunakannya untuk cover buku. Terimakasih^^!
Hi I would like to know if I can use the font with commercial use ?
Can Contack Me For Free Use Commercial
I was wondering if this font is free for commercial use. If you can get back to me at my email I would appreciate it.
asa2908@naver.comThe font is really cool! I want to see if it's okay to create a commercial brand logo with this font. Even after you wrote Mabro a comment about commercial use, many people are asking for confirmation for the same purpose as me. If you reply to this again, it would be very helpful for many users with the same questions in the future.
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful font for free and commercial use. I hope you are always healthy and happy~ ^______^
The font is really cool!
I'd like to know if it's okay to make a commercial brand logo with this font.
Even after you wrote a comment that it is commercially available for Mabro's questions, several people are asking for confirmation for the same purpose as me.
If you reply to this article again, it would be very helpful for many users with the same questions in the future.
Thank you very much for sharing a nice font for free use and commercial use.
I hope you are always healthy and happy. ^______^