Anúncio de Galdino Otten Fonts

Dust West

Pré-visualização customizada
 394.582 downloads (47 ontem)   Grátis para uso pessoal

12 comentários

PaFFile  16/12/2014
Fonte muito boa, porém, tem um único erro. O glifo "Á" (maiúsculo com acentuação aguda) aparece sem o acento agudo.

Really good font, but, have one error. The glyph "Á" (uppercase with acute accent) appears without the acute accent.
Can I use this font commercially for a one off restaurant?

Thank you for your assistance! My email address is:
GTR020  17/01/2017
That's a very nice font !
I was wondering if we can use it for commercial ?
thank you for assistance ! My email adress is
daytonrodeo  04/06/2017
Would like to use this font for commercial use. Thank you - please email:
Lyke_wize  28/09/2017
Hi, I would like to use this for commercial use for a video clip. Thankyou for your time
scchant  15/11/2018
Hi! I would like to use commercially for beer bottle labels. Please email me at with info on pricing/permission for commercial use. Thanks!
scchant  19/11/2018
Hi! I would like to use commercially for beer bottle labels. Please email me at with info on pricing/permission for commercial use. Thanks!
sharong14  17/11/2020
Hi! Would like to use this for my company. Please email me if I can use it
Marine Bergère  02/08/2021
Hi ! Would like to use this for commercial use for a feature film. Please email me if I can use it:
skoQpl  12/09/2022
Can I use this font commercially, for logo?

Thank you for your assistance! My email address is:
MBennett2  07/09/2023
I would also like to know if I can use the font for commercial purposes.
puzzlemeister001  24/04/2024
Hi -- I'd also like to use this font for a commercial project. My email is

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