Our First Kiss

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Our First Kiss à  by skomii
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Our First Kiss.otf
Note of the author
Our First Kiss Font

Hi, thanks for downloading my font Our First Kiss and I hope you like it. Remember: it's free for personal and commercial use! Hey, like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Skomii.PauloR to know more about me and what I'm doing.

Some things about the font you must know:

* This font has support for more than 40 languages;
* It comes with Stilystic Alternates and other OpenType Features that you can use in programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and many others...

That's it!

The font Our First Kiss was designed by Paulo R in 2013.

For my sweet K...

Paulo R

First seen on DaFont: September 28, 2013 - Updated: December 03, 2013

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