Ignis et Glacies Sharp

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Ignis et Glacies Sharp à  by Zdeněk Gromnica a.k.a. FutureMillennium 
 69,886 downloads (2 yesterday)   Free for personal use - 4 font files
Ignis et Glacies Sharp.ttf
Ignis et Glacies Sharp Italic.ttf
Ignis et Glacies Sharp Bold.ttf
Ignis et Glacies Sharp BoldItalic.ttf
Note of the author
Free for non-commercial use only. To purchase a commercial license, please go to http://futuremillennium.com/fonts/license/ignis-et-glacies-sharp
or contact me.

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

First seen on DaFont: August 07, 2006 - Updated: November 12, 2006

Ignis et Glacies Sharp.ttf

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