Groovy Ghosties

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Groovy Ghosties à by Typodermic Fonts 
 118,203 downloads (3 yesterday)   2 comments   Public domain / GPL / OFL - 3 font files
Groovy Ghosties.otf
Groovy Ghosties Front.otf
Groovy Ghosties Back.otf
Note of the author
Groovy Ghosties is an alphabet made of incorporeal beings from beyond the grave.

The fonts included in this archive are released under a “no rights reserved” Creative Commons Zero license. Please do not ask permission to do anything with these fonts. Whatever you want to do with this font, the answer will be yes. Please read about the CC0 Public Domain license before contacting me.

To the extent possible under law, Raymond Larabie has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the fonts in this archive. This work is published from: Japan.

First seen on DaFont: before 2005 - Updated: August 20, 2020

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