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22 posts

Posts by rc50


1. I am not a lawyer.
2. Without knowing where you are (& thus what jurisdiction you're in), what your 'hobby projects' are & what exposure to the public they have, I think it would be difficult to give an informed opinion.
3. If your hobby projects are non-profit & only get seen by your family & friends, it's hard for me to see how you would get into trouble.
4. I am not a lawyer.
5. To get a good answer, you may well have to ask a lawyer.

Edited on Jan 28, 2023 at 07:11 by rc50

Jan 28, 2023 at 06:18  [reply]  evolution of my font

Note that it is currently taking about 1 year (!!!) for new fonts to be reviewed & published by the team here (I'm not a member of the team, I just read the forum sometimes).

@misteradvizer: 1. IF you determine that your modifications are within the terms of the relevant licences, and you can't find someone else to do them for you, you could consider doing them yourself with some font-editing software - I imagine it should be pretty easy to copy-paste characters from one font into another one in something like FontForge (which is free).
2. I think claudeserieux means to say "the problem is money"

You could try contacting BlamBot directly - in my (limited) experience, font makers are often glad to talk to people who are genuinely interested in their work.

Dec 07, 2022 at 07:26  [reply]  Why is my font being rejected?!

Note that it seems to be taking more than 9 months for new font submissions to be reviewed.

Nov 07, 2022 at 00:45  [reply]  Font

I can't get a good match with any of the software I use! Maybe it's a custom-made font that hasn't been released publicly? (If you're keen, you could make your own version!)

Nov 06, 2022 at 23:44  [reply]  Does anyone know SDfonts?

No worries.
My answers to your questions:

"Is there anybody can do it?" - yes, there are many people who can do it, but what are the terms & conditions (free/paid/timeframe/KPI)? You could potentially do it yourself, especially if you only want 5 glyphs - there are good programmes (free & paid) available that could greatly assist (see the Tools/Software page here at Dafont for a start ).

"does anyone know if the font Scrypticali is based on some else" - I don't know, but it looks like original work to me; probably the only person who knows for sure is Sami/SDFonts, and they aren't available.

Nov 05, 2022 at 05:55  [reply]  Does anyone know SDfonts?

Given that their most recent font appeared on Dafont just over 17 years ago (in October 2005), and that all your efforts thus far have come to nought, I think it's extremely likely they have left the font-creating scene, and you will be left stuck as you are now.

Nov 05, 2022 at 05:47  [reply]  Most similar font that matches?

Font-identifing software gives me the following candidates: various fonts called 'Copperplate' or similar, 'Antique Half Block', 'TR Schubert'.
No free fonts though!

Nov 02, 2022 at 01:53  [reply]  Installing

Suggest you try searching "how to install font on iPad".
You can get articles (like this,
official help (like this,
and even videos (like this

Nov 02, 2022 at 01:48  [reply]  ABOUT FONT

Did it get published, or did you just submit it?
If you just submitted it, it's taking 9 months or more for fonts to be reviewed & published (I'm not an admin, just a user).

I'm able to edit the human-readable name after I've entered the Font ID, not sure why you can't, sorry.

@Phantom Creative Studio & JDStudio: I am not an admin of Dafont, but I have seen elsewhere in this forum that it is taking 9+ months for fonts to be reviewed & published after submission. I suspect (but do not know) that this is because of the very large number of fonts being submitted.

@hishand studio: I am not an admin of Dafont, but I have seen elsewhere in this forum that it does not take the same length of time for a font to be published after resubmission (& the problems are corrected) - only a few weeks, if my memory is correct.

Sep 02, 2022 at 06:23  [reply]  Possible to donate money to Dafont?

no, not to authors, to Dafont itself

Sep 02, 2022 at 05:54  [initial post]  Possible to donate money to Dafont?

Hi All,
I like Dafont & think it's one of the best font sites around (thanks Dafont!)- so much so that I'm happy to make a small donation to show my appreciation. I do the same for other sites that I really like e.g. Wikipedia, so why not Dafont?
Does anyone know if such a thing is possible and/or would be appreciated?

Sep 02, 2022 at 05:46  [reply]  "reviewing" of new fonts

They've probably considered it - but if it's true that it's currently taking about 9 months for submitted fonts to be reviewed, they would have to disable it for the same length of time (9 months) to catch up! They must have a backlog of thousands of fonts!
In fact, I'll do a little maths...
9 months is very close to 40 weeks;
if we say they're approving 300 fonts per week, and rejecting 50 (probably much more),
40 x 350 = 14,000 !!

I'll just finish by saying a big "Thank you" to the hardworking people at Dafont for all their work!

I mean Dafont is receiving so many submissions every week that they can't keep up. I've just seen someone say that it's taken 10-11 months for their font to be reviewed!!

Apparently the site is so inundated with new fonts that it is currently taking 6-8 months for them to get approved!

Aug 30, 2022 at 09:07  [reply]  "reviewing" of new fonts

I'm guessing because it's a free site and literally hundreds of fonts are getting submitted every week (goodness knows how many get rejected)

Aug 30, 2022 at 08:52  [reply]  Rejected Font Notification

I'm 99% sure there is no notification if the font is rejected. I have no idea how long they are taking to publish/approve new fonts at present - does anyone else know?

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