Ad by Dimitri Castrique


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 1,089,415 downloads (16 yesterday)   Donationware - 3 font files


Schwalbenkoenig  Nov 26, 2007
Great typeface. Congratulations, Mr. Castrique. It seems Raspoutine is used for a campaign of BAA fly. And a backslanted version seems to be the base for the new identity for the [url=]Dubai International Airport[/url]. Is there a reason, why the aircraft-industry uses Raspoutine so much?
Schwalbenkoenig  Nov 26, 2007
[i]Sorry for the typo at the link. here goes the correct version …[/i]

Great typeface. Congratulations, Mr. Castrique. It seems Raspoutine is used for a campaign of BAA fly. And a backslanted version seems to be the base for the new identity for the Dubai International Airport. Is there a reason, why the aircraft-industry uses Raspoutine so much?
dimitri_c  author of Raspoutine   May 02, 2008
Hello Schwalbenkoenig -

Thanks sooooo much for those links, very interesting for me.
Have a nice day...

- Dimitri
WilhelmR  Nov 14, 2008
Great font, really clean and diferent!

Keep the good work bud :D
fat-mossie  Jan 14, 2009
Downloaded heaps of times, but none of them are able to be isntalled into the xp. It is just me? I love this font, somehow at one stage it decided not to work. The last thing I remember I did a CCleaner. Please help
hazy  May 23, 2009
Italics doesn't sound me like raspoutine, btw i love the font (:
lexxex  Jan 16, 2012
Me encanta esta fuente, tiene de elegante e informal al mismo tiempo ;)
davefontleroy  Sep 29, 2017
Hi. I'm interested in using your font for a low run, local package and logo. Please contact me at
ellouder2OMG  Oct 16, 2017
it's myriad italic
JRangel  Mar 10, 2018
Can I use this font for a commercial logo? I need to pay for this or it's free?

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