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 2,840,051 downloads (12 yesterday)   100% Free - 2 font files


Sandra Brouwer  Feb 27, 2007
Love this font, can I use it to create a logo?
yoghi  Jul 21, 2007
bonjour, j'adore cette police et je souhaiterais savoir si je peu l'utiliser pour le nom de ma marque vestimentaire qui va bientôt sortir ? merci beaucoup
myanabanana  Sep 14, 2007
It's beautiful. Could i use it to make the heading of my student page?
lingsing  Nov 04, 2007
i want to use it as my new coverpages.
thank you~
Amberlina emma  Nov 08, 2007
This font is very very nice
vpatrone  Mar 10, 2008
hi i'd love to use this font for a tattoo, can you please contact me at vpatrone@gmail.com
Nicole23  Jun 20, 2008
this is awesome, just what i was looking for, can i please use it for some titles?
k.jinro  Jul 05, 2008
What beautiful font!
I love this font very much.
mmhm.sure thing ralf!  Aug 05, 2008
I love this font. It was just what I need to do a cover for a project!
mamp0001  Sep 11, 2008
Hi Iam wondering, what the rules are for using your font for creating a logo...
lavender0127  Oct 23, 2008
it is smelly
sunnycass  Dec 02, 2008
i want this for my next tatt
Lil.Silent  Apr 08, 2009
can i use this font for something
onejas  Jun 08, 2009
bonjour votre police m'intéresse pour ma future marque de vêtement serait-il possible de l'utiliser? SVP
kellythorpe  Jul 04, 2009
Is there anyway i can use this for a tattoo..? I love it xx
KPANELO  Jul 14, 2009
Ditto, is there anyway I can use this font for a tattoo?
kuma-ji  Jul 26, 2009
très jolie votre police...
pourrais-je l'utiliser sur un flyer pour mon voisin qui est "Eleveur de Volailles de Bresse" SVP

n"hésitez pas à me contacter à: kuma-ji@hotmail.com
slayercobhc93  Aug 01, 2009
is there any way i can use this for a logo??
jmd-90  Aug 20, 2009
i love it! can i use the font to get my tattoo? please get back to me. jmd-90@hotmail.com
I would like to use this font commercially, please e-mail me at rockinthe bump@yahoo.com. Thanks.
eryan9  Sep 03, 2009
beautiful font!
Azabache  Sep 03, 2009
Esta fuente es parecida a : http://www.dafont.com/hurricane-supadupas.font
-=Pernille=-  Sep 15, 2009
Can i also use the font to get my tattoo? please get back to me. pernille-a-thomsen@hotmail.com..

juanitocalaco  Oct 08, 2009
Muchas gracias!!! por compartir tu trabajo, acabo de visitar tu pagina y me dió mucho gusto conocer tu s otros trabajos graficos.
deniize  Oct 26, 2009
Hoe moet dit als hier iemand nederlands is zeg het me!
aragonphotography  Nov 18, 2009
Love this font!!!!
ladiesbydesign  Nov 18, 2009
Is this font available to use in a logo?
salomon0525  Dec 03, 2009
Would like to use this font for my tattoo. If you could let me know as soon as possible, would be much appreciated.
Salomon0525@aol.com is my email.

Thank you
xeeneeizee  Jan 30, 2010
Lopez Photos  Mar 04, 2010
I really like this font, can I use it a signature?
ewosivy  Mar 30, 2010
i used that font with a tattoo on my arm and certainly love it!
smeshell_13  Apr 21, 2010
nice.looks like a good tattoo
slikka  Sep 01, 2010
stuartbrooks  Oct 12, 2010
monet9  Jan 11, 2011
I would like to use this drawing to do a tattoo to me, I can order it me to the e-mail: chichocpc@hotmail.com. Thank you.
helen30  Feb 20, 2011

I love your font and appreciate your work very much. Would you give me permission for commercial use on postcards? Please reply to a120_2120@yahoo.com
gem gem G&B  Mar 03, 2011
Hi there, I love this font and would like to use it commercially, please can you e-mail me to confirm if this is possible?
mitsouli  May 11, 2011
I am thinking of using this font commercially, please e-mail me at mitsouli@windowslive.com to confirm if that is ok
bonniegreig  Jun 25, 2011
hey i really love your font its great, just having a few downloading issues. I really want to use this for a tattoo design. Not sure if its just my computer rejecting the download or if i need permission ? please get back to me bvg_94@hotmail.com thanks in advance.
maribeljoachin  Sep 14, 2011
i would like 2 use this font for a tattoo, please contact me @ maribeljoachin87@yahoo.com
Apena007  Dec 16, 2011
hello, I really like this font very much. I see that it says the font is free.....i just want to make sure if I am allowed to create a logo using your font. Am I allowed to use your font to sell paper goods? Please contact me at twothirdsds@gmail.com thank you
gypsy kismet  Feb 19, 2012
I had this on my old computer. I got a new one and had to come download it again. I've used this many times in handmaking cards for friends and when printing my poetry. Thanks so much!
Lyia  Mar 03, 2012
Hello, I really like this font, i would like to use it for a tatto, so can you contact me at x-crazy-woman-x@hotmail.fr please. This font is exactly what I surch for a sentence that i want to tatoo. this is very important to me, so please contact me.
Caseyanning  Jun 18, 2012
Hi here, I love this font an wondering of you could please give me permission to use it commercially for my small beauty business. Thanks
Violume  Jun 04, 2013
Beautiful Work! I am very interested in this font for commercial purposes. Please email me you terms & conditions at violume@yahoo.com. Looking forward to hearing back! Thx - Lauryn
careelie  Jul 29, 2013
Can you please let me know the terms for using this for commercial use? Thanks! c-a_reelie@live.ca
akimus  Nov 08, 2013
Nice font! Thanks! At least in the pdf included on zip, there reads: "This is a freeware typeface. This means that you can use it on your commercial or non-commercial work for free.
* Dont redistribute this font without my permission
* Dont sell this font
* Dont modify it"

So I would "guess" that you can use it on commercial use, if you don't modify it. MAybe that pdf wasn't there before (because many asks about its usage)?
nicozionking  Jan 09, 2014
puis-je Utilisé cette caligraphie pour mon taouage ?
nicozionking  Jan 09, 2014
merci de me contacter nico_zion_kingston76@hotmail.fr en vous remerciant .
Lulilanne  Apr 03, 2015
Hi there, I love this font and would like to use it commercially, please can you e-mail me to confirm if this is possible?
H4mmerm4n  Apr 07, 2015
Someone told me that he saw this font on the back CD cover of 50 Cent's "The Massacre" (2005). Is it true.
Tonyia  May 24, 2016
Hello, awesome font. would love to use for word logo. Can you let me know if this is possible. Thanks. tonyiajackson@gmail.com

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