Magic School

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 760,292 downloads (100 yesterday)   100% Free - 2 font files


Deleted user 50793  Dec 21, 2006
C'est magnifique ! Une police de rêve !
fontmesa  author of Magic School   Aug 10, 2013
This font is free for personal and commercial use, please disregard any txt file in your download that may request additional licensing.
wilderlace  Jan 09, 2015
FANTASTIC font! Thank you! I made this chore list called "Mundane Muggle Musts" with the font on my blog:
Loki1323  Mar 30, 2017
Thank you for creating and sharing this font, I am designing a JK Rowling quote disc for my daughter's wall!
Blurryface 2.0  Apr 16, 2018
It's not letting me download on android???
panacea_thailand  Jul 30, 2019
Thank you very much.
Greeting from Thailand.

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