Lemon Tuesday

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 1,872,967 downloads (1,158 yesterday)   Public domain / GPL / OFL


StereoType  Oct 27, 2016
Nice Work ! Really.
lemonad  author of Lemon Tuesday   Oct 27, 2016
We need to collaborate!)
lely  Apr 21, 2017
HI, can i use this font for my coffee bar logo?
jlfaza  May 27, 2017
Love your work! I would possibly like to use your font for a logo as well. What is that process? Thanks!!
Anne-Grete  Jun 24, 2017
Hi! Can I use your font in a wordpress project for a restaurant? Because I have to embed it with a Plugin. Greetings from germany! Anne
silviap  Jun 27, 2017
Can i use your font for a printable sheets for my store?
Gava  Aug 10, 2017
Good day... can I please use your font for a logo design?
megowen42  Dec 26, 2017
What is the licensing for commercial use? megowen42@gmail.com

Considering it is under public domain i hope my asking wont be a problem
Jhawk  Jan 30, 2018
Hi Please may I use your font for in an instructions sheet for an online business I am working with?
Jhawk  Jan 30, 2018
Hi Please may I use your font for in an instructions sheet for an online business I am working with?
Jhawk  Jan 30, 2018
Hi Please may I use your font for in an instructions sheet for an online business I am working with?
jesicaxmanalo  Mar 17, 2018
Hi! May I please use your font for my bracelets business?. Thank you so much. (Btw it is such a pretty font!)
Blá Blá Blá  Apr 04, 2018
Oi!Eu sou escritora e gostaria de utilizar esta fonte para criar as minhas capas.Eu não recebo nada monetariamente pelos meus livros.Então poderia utilizar a fonte de forma gratuita?
Malla  May 27, 2018
Hello! Nice font! :)
Can I please use it for my postcards that I design?
lelisa.bi  Jun 02, 2018
Hi, Nice Work!
Can I use this font for a commercial use?
Considering that the font is under public domain I hope my asking wont be a problem, but please let me know if there is a process to follow or if I can use this font freely. Thanks!
eunjicho  Jun 22, 2018
Hi! May I please use your font for my packaging design? (commercial work)
Thank you so much :)
LocStat101  Jul 10, 2018
Is this available for commercial use? Please contact me at xaviermoke@gmail.com.
lucia2401  Sep 22, 2018
Where can acquire commercial use permission to use this font.I am hoping maybe for my packaging or something. please let me know.
KaitlynNeeley  Dec 14, 2018
I sent you a message about whether this font can be used for commercial use or if I need permission to use it. Thank you!
jlp0341  Jan 10, 2019
Can this font be used for commercial use ?

please contact me at Jlp0341@gmail.com

Thank you
Nitchmaster5000  Jan 14, 2019
I have issues with this font cutting off on the bottom when converting from Word to .pdf
Normally font issues like this are fixed by adjusting the line spacing, but not with this font. Any ideas?
hemansaa  Jan 23, 2019
Hi, I was wondering if I could use this font for a personal logo? Thank you!
christa_padilla  Mar 23, 2019
Can this font be used for commercial use?
jannihowell  Jun 25, 2019
when I download this font, it cuts off the bottom of the lowercase letter j.
Any suggestions? Love the font!!
coconut1986  Sep 03, 2019
hi, i was wondering if this font is commercial used? jpacho818@gmail.com
paintlei  Nov 10, 2019
Can I use this font for a commercial use? lalaland@outlook.com
akasimi113  Nov 26, 2019
You man are awesome. Like, it's really beautiful that you provide such a great font for free and even send donations to charity. Really beautiful. Thank you!
Khayreddine Halimi  May 17, 2020
can i use the fonts for comercial? khayrou.j7@gmail.com
karishma kapoor  Jul 10, 2020
Hello! I was wondering if I could use this font for my logo? Thank you!
lpeifang  Jul 23, 2020
Hi, can I use this font for commercial design? Thanks
jkokal2  Oct 30, 2020
hello, I love this font. I was wondering if I could use it for commercial use? Thank you! You can email me at jkokal2@mail.lakelandcc.edu
magerism  Nov 02, 2020
Hi, I want to use this font for commercial use. Please let contact me at magerismftw@gmail.com
kk_kaylee  Jan 14, 2021
Hi, I love this font and was wondering if I could please use it for commercial use? It say that it is 100% free but wanted to make sure this is true!
Please email me at kkcricutprojects@gmail.com.
Thank you!
MichaelaNoggle  Jan 16, 2021
I love this font! It already says commercial use! I thank you for it! :) just to be sure could you please email me permission for commercial use.


Thank you
Cupcake5  Jan 18, 2021
Hi @Lemonad.

I'd like to confirm suitability for commercial use too please. I've sent you a private message.

Thank you! It's a lovely font :)
samira.poli  Feb 07, 2021
Hi, i love this font! Is this available for commercial use? Please contact me at samirapoli90@libero.it
Simone_  Mar 28, 2021
Hi there,
your font is beautiful! May I please use it for commercial purposes? Please let me know at simone.kletzmayr@gmx.at
Kind regards
tlstl12  May 12, 2021
Hi it's really beautiful font and i love this!
i am going to use this in my commercial description.
if it is going to be a problem please let me know
and again it's beautiful work, have a nice day :)
jesusboy1969  Jun 04, 2021
hi nice font
aprilhatni  Jun 30, 2021
Hai, fontnya sangat unik. Salam kenal ya...
Anne T.  Jul 16, 2021
Hi! This is a wonderful font! I'd like to use this font in my youtube videos. Please let me know if I need to give credits so I can add the details in my youtube description box portion. cherieannetiu@gmail.com. Again, lovely work! Thank you!
can this font be used for commercial purposes since it says "free"
please contact me nisfimifta087@gmail.com
gertytreg27  Nov 02, 2021
Hi I want to use this for commercial use on my stickers to sell? is that okay? Pls email me if not I will take it down. Im going to use it for my launching thank you. Pls contact me if theres gunna be a problem. jghecombusiness@gmail.com
adiline  Nov 14, 2021
Amazing !! Can I please use for commercial ? (print, tshirt...) adilineart@gmail.com
Hailee4527  Nov 28, 2021
Hi I love your font!!!
Could I use it for commercial purposes?
Yuliya Bakulina  Dec 16, 2021
We want to buy a font for commercial use. But we are not able to transfer the donation, the system writes that the seller does not accept payments in the currency used, automatically specified USD.
Please contact us and help us to solve this issue
yuchen  Feb 14, 2022
Hi I love your font!!!
Could I use it for commercial purposes?
I'd like to use this font on beverage packages.
please contact me yuchen@freshlife.com.tw
suchida aj  Feb 21, 2022
Could I use your font Lemon Tuesday for commercial purposes?

please contact me suchipla2@gmail.com
ashresthavana  Dec 22, 2023
Hi Jovanny, nice font. Was wondering if I can use it for a client's logo design. Thank you.


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