Joyful Juliana

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 733,104 downloads (2 yesterday)   Free for personal use


Emily's Scrawl  May 26, 2007
I adore this font! I think it's the best!!
HollywoodAnorexic-x  Jun 05, 2007
The font is rad♥
lyzouille  Jun 24, 2007
cette police me fait craquer !!!! JADORE
morgan_nava  Jul 11, 2007
YupCrystal  Sep 09, 2007
i love this font [:
kutelove  Sep 20, 2007
thank !
seewah  Oct 08, 2007
love it! thanks so much! :)
fashion_empire  Oct 21, 2007
Oh my god, this font is so adorable. I love it. =) It's totally me.
karinina  Nov 07, 2007
simple and beautiful.
xMizzMurder  Nov 22, 2007
I love this font so much!
Thanks so much.
gia032394  Dec 25, 2007
pretty. can you make me one.?
breannah  Mar 29, 2008
simple and classic.
freak3  May 01, 2008
amazingg font
wennx3tian  Jun 13, 2008
NICEE ! (:
lovingjesusrocks  Feb 16, 2009
This font is absolutely gorgeous... God Bless you in all that you do. And its very interesting how Romans 6:23 is one of my favorite verses as well... :)
maggo722  Mar 21, 2009
sooo cutee! how do you change the color of it?
ily4ever  Apr 04, 2009
This is such a cool font. Love it! ;]
P6794iksukissa  Jul 10, 2009
Hello,good work!
Is it possible to use this in aNON profitable (Christian based) magazine?
Could you kindly discuss it by mail -
Thank you...
P6794iksukissa  Jul 10, 2009
Im able to pay some if needed to attain the right to use it
LatinReloaded  Oct 27, 2009
I love this font and his charming design.
Good luck Kimberly!
Greetings from Argentina!
mimzilax  Feb 07, 2010
YOU MAKE THE MOST AMAZING FONTS!!! I LOVE THEM! JOYFUL JULIANA HAS TO BE MY FAVORITE THOUGH... Its so pretty! Everything about it, how it loks so handwritten and everything isn't perfect, yet it is... AMAZING! I love how there's a flower, a heart, and a star. I CANNOT GET OVER THIS FONT! I love it, thank you!!!
jturnbeaugh  Feb 11, 2010
Hi Kimberly - we utlized your font at a ministry I work for - we have a shirt using your font we would like to send to you complimentary. Is there any way you could shoot me an email, so I can send you more information on us.
lisajw13  Jul 13, 2010
I would love to look at using this for a Christian crisis pregnancy center. Please let me know if you will allow that with your fonts at Thanks so much!
Keroro2612  Jul 30, 2010
I like this font . Thx for sharing ^^
ckwho  Aug 11, 2010
I'm making a film for the world health organisation and was wondering whether i could use this font for the adolescent section of the film. i'd be happy to show you a demo of the work.
Roger S. Nelsson  Sep 11, 2010
For those of you looking for an improved version with accents etc: Kimberly Geswein has allowed me to rework her fonts and offer them with a (very generous) commercial license.
So if you need a professional quality Unicode OpenType or TrueType version of this font with a multilingual and expanded character set - you will find it here:
(Kimberly Geswein receives royalties from all sales)
Morethanmode  Sep 15, 2010
I love it!!!!
I have a blog, do you mind if I use it??? Please????
Jules*  Nov 21, 2010
I <3 this font!!! Juliana's my name!!!
doesntgivafck  Nov 16, 2011
i love this font c: <3

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