Freebooter Script

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 3,465,430 downloads (51 yesterday)   100% Free - 2 font files


ladykat  Sep 25, 2006
This looks lovely on the site, but when I downloaded it, it was really rough around the edges - not smooth at all. :(
Blondie__  Oct 07, 2006
ik snap er echt nix van hoe moet ik de kleur en alles doen en weet ik veel wat ? xx blondie__
xoxo_nikky  Jan 21, 2007
great font
Thizzle  Feb 14, 2007
v nice
Loz  Jun 15, 2007
Very cool! ^^
michiel_terpelle  Nov 10, 2007
Nice font. But if they did a little bit more work on it is was way prettier. But it's free for a reason isn't it;)
Nick Blythe  Jun 10, 2009
Who owns the copyright for this font and can I buy it?
LaserLady  Jan 31, 2011
Actually the fact that it's a "little rough around the edges" has made it a favourite of mine to use when lasering on wood! Looks AMAZING and always gets fantastic feedback from my customers.
gem gem G&B  Mar 03, 2011
Hi there, I love this font and would like to use it commercially, please can you e-mail me to confirm if this is possible?
weltensucherin  Jun 16, 2011
Hi, I would like to use this font commercially- please write a comment on this page or contact me.
5754  Sep 03, 2011
hi, this font is awesome.. would you give me permission for commercial use? please reply here or to

thanks :)
kerrodluke  Sep 07, 2011
Hi, I would like to use this commercially, please email me here with the information
kumazo  Oct 18, 2011
Hello, I'd like to use this font for commercial projects? Could you please write a comment here or email me? Thanks :)
s13driver  Nov 22, 2011
I would like permission to use this font commercially. Please send me an email at Thanks!
dauphine069  Jan 15, 2012
help please if you speack french thank you
mezzadesign  May 21, 2012
Hi, I would like to use this font on a business card for a small business and potentially on a small logo to put on their Facebook page. Can you please email me at if this is ok?
Littlebluefox22  May 31, 2012
I would like to use this font for a possible commercial project
Please email me at
mgcg314  Jun 13, 2012
I would love to use this font commercially. Please email me at
TrottingCow  Jun 19, 2012
Mind if I use this at work on a shirt for a contest? I guess that would be semi-commercial... :)
cardoviola  Jul 01, 2012
Me too... mind if I use this at work on a shirt for a contest? sure commercial... Thanks -
ginafalletta  Aug 16, 2012
Hi, I would like to use this font commercially for a small business. Can you please email me with permission. Thank you.
miradoll  Aug 18, 2012
I would like to use this for a small business we are starting. Can you please email me with permission? Thanks a million! Beautiful font!
lasche.emil  Aug 28, 2012
I would like to use this font for a small business. Would you please email me with your permission to use this? My email is

Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate it!
Nina2012  Sep 26, 2012
I like your font very much. Could you send me permission for commercial use? It's pretty! :)
erikmalk  Dec 03, 2012
FYI: my internet research tells me this font is ok to use commercially check for yourself though please.
nunaprix  Dec 04, 2012
Hi, I would like to use this font for a logo I am making for my friend's business. Can you please email me permission to use this? Thank you so much!
Elvendork  Jan 07, 2013
Hi, I was wondering if I could use this font commercially? It's for a slogan on a poster for a student event at my university. Thank you! My email:
preston0518  Feb 20, 2013
I was wondering if I could have commercial permission for this font? Email: Thanks!
niacapri  Apr 18, 2013
Could you email me about permission for commercial use? Thanks!
FrakCouture  May 11, 2013
Could you email me permission for commercial use? Thankyou
sjanik1  Oct 14, 2013
I would like to use this font commercially, if so. Please email me at

Thank you!
kld5078  Jan 12, 2014
Could you please email me permission for commercial use? . I am hoping to use in a logo for a small design company.
lclaudel  Jan 13, 2014
love this font, please could you give me permission for commercial use
Dany66120  Jan 22, 2014
Love this font! Is it available to use for commercial purposes? Please contact me
Thank you!
irkyloveone  Feb 17, 2014
This font is awesome, please could you give me permission for commercial use
barbarahill  Jun 09, 2014
May we have permission to use this font commercially? Thank you!!
EBodin4  Jul 27, 2014
May I have permission to use this font commercially? thanks!!
hueyyy  Sep 19, 2014
May I have permission to use this font for commercial use? Please contact me at Thanks!
AshleyG  Oct 18, 2014
I would like to use this font in a logo for a small business in the area. Is it possible to please get permission for commercial use?
williamwu  Feb 11, 2015
Hi Apostrophic Labs, I would like to get the permission for the commercial use of this font. You may contact me at Thanks!
SpringStorm  Feb 15, 2015
I love this font! I use it more than any other! It's simply lovely! I'd like to use it for my profile page etc on IMVU where I sell virtual textures etc. May I have permission to use it. You may contact me at Thank you.
ramiion  Mar 11, 2015
Hi, Is it possible to please get permission for commercial use?
rudoro  Mar 11, 2015
Hello. I really enjoyed this font. I would use in a commercial project. Could send the permission in email
Thank you!
Walkure  May 07, 2015
I would like to use this font for commercial use...
please, contact me at
Thank you
omi  May 14, 2015
Hi there, I love this font and would like to use it commercially, please can you e-mail me to confirm if this is possible?
simranpalkaur  May 15, 2015
hey love this font and many others of your! brilliant work.... are they for commercial uses?
let me know thanks!
t'Plakkerke  Jun 01, 2015
hello this font can be used for commercial purposes?
Email me
leahsnl  Sep 14, 2015
May I have permission to use this font commercially?
nena29vlc  Oct 02, 2015
como se pueden descargar.... no me deja!! de ninguna forma gracias.
elyriah  Oct 08, 2015
This is the most beautiful font ever ! can I please get your permission to use it in commercial projects? Let me know
rol  Nov 09, 2015
I really like your font. Would you please give me permission to use it commercially?
Youngmin  Nov 16, 2015
May I have permission to use this font for commercial use? please, contact me at Thank you.
estrella230  Nov 17, 2015
can i use this font for Commercial use? i sell key charms (with text), T-Shirts with (text) etc.. and i search for a font that i can use for all the things that i make myself. it's only a little production - for Christmas markets and max. 100 a year. it is also allowed to make logos, Flyers etc. with your font? please contact me at thank you.
pafrye  Nov 23, 2015
May I have permission to use this font for commercial use?
ladyoflady  Jan 22, 2016
hi I would like to use this font for commercial use please contact me as soon as you can thanks
super47  Jan 28, 2016
Hello, this font is lovely, may I use this font for commercial use?47 Please email me at
geniusali  Mar 10, 2016
Can I use this font for commercial purpose?
Please let me know at
Lorrie D  Sep 04, 2016
Most beautiful font. Is it possible to use for small craft start up business for commercial use. Many thanks. Please email at
Wada07  Sep 05, 2016
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
Great font.
esquisse88  Sep 30, 2016
This is the most beautiful font ever ! can I please get your permission to use it in commercial projects? Let me know
PaulaCC  Jan 05, 2017
I would like to use this font for a logo
Could you send me permission for commercial use­? THANKS!!
brewski189  Jan 09, 2017
Love this!! May I have your permission for commercial use with my sign making business? Can you please reply to my email so I may have consent on hand. Thank you so much!
lucie34  Jan 14, 2017
I would like to use this font commercially. Could you send me permission for commercial use­? Please email at Thanks a lot
SAJA  Jan 24, 2017
Can you please send me permission to use it commercially on

Lgetz70  Feb 03, 2017
I love this font.....may I have permission to use it commercially?
camilo1983  Jul 30, 2017
Can you please send me permission to use it commercially on
JS Fine Art Publishing  Aug 16, 2017
Love this font, using it on our YouTube videos
queenpickle555  Nov 07, 2017
please could you send me permission to use commercially
Anam22  Dec 07, 2017
Hello, can I use this font commercially ? Please give me a permission Thanks !
Rabi17  Dec 11, 2017
Can i use this font for commercial logo?

please contact me

Thank You
Peggyael  Feb 05, 2018
Great font! Can you please send me permission to use it commercially? Please send me your response on
Spdwife1  Feb 28, 2018
I love this font. Would you send me permission to use it commercially? ....Thank you
PARK JUNGHYUN  Apr 01, 2018
Great font!
I would like to use this great font for commercial use,
please send me an email at
DANI MONTI  Apr 19, 2018
Hello, I would like permission to use this font commercially. Please send me an email at Thanks!
jday  Oct 10, 2018
Please send me an email for commercial use
Cinola  Apr 21, 2019
This is a lovely font and I was wondering if you could please email me permisson to use it as part of the fonts for my book cover at Thank you
cmalvestuto  Oct 13, 2019
Please send me an email for commercial use
Thank you!
Flor_David  Nov 18, 2019
I would like to use this font for a logo.
Could you send me permission for commercial use­?
Giulyfio  Nov 30, 2019
I love this font! I would like to use it for a logo.
Could you send me permission for commercial use­?
Please contact me:

Thank you.
jenky  Dec 15, 2019
Hi can I use this font for commercial use and products? please email me
erica.nelson  Jun 11, 2020
Hello, can I use this font for commercial t-shirt design use? Please let me know,
Hong_88  Jun 26, 2020
this font is beautiful
can I use this for commercial fonts?
Use : television advertising
Pleanse contact me.
Siti Rahmawati  Jul 31, 2020
Hai, saya sangat suka font ini. Bisakah saya menggunakannya untuk tujuan komersial? Terima kasih sebelumnya...
Email saya
lobeexx  Aug 28, 2020
Hi. Can I use this font for commercial purpose?
Please let me know at
sabra.starr  Sep 27, 2020
Hello, I would like to use the "N" for commercial use. Please let me know if I can do so. My email is
Trefnus Labels  Mar 15, 2021
I would like to use this font in a logo for a small local business. Is it possible to please get permission for commercial use?
kyj1004z  Apr 09, 2021
I like the font so much that I want to get permission for commercial use. Please reply by e-mail :)
The Righter Writer  Aug 24, 2021
This is fabulous! Is it possible to get permission for Commercial use? My email is

Thank you!
valerii.designer  Jan 09, 2023
Can I use this font for commercial purposes? Please contact me via mail
백지은  May 12, 2023
I want to use this font commercially. Could you send me the scope for commercial use? Email . Thank you so much
SabiRav  Mar 20, 2024
I want use the Font commercial, is it possible?
What does ist cost?


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