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A Day Without Sun

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A Day Without Sun à  by Zetafonts 
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Note of the author
A DAY WITHOUT SUN is an handmade delice with a hipster flavour, part of the <a target="_blank" href=""><b>Panforte Pro</b></a> Family, a three-weights handmade font with <b>small caps</b>, <b>cyrillic</b> and <b>greek</b>.

<a target="_blank" href=""><b>Panforte Pro</b></a> is the typographic problem solver with a humble face. Hand drawn in easy big strokes, its a very condensed typeface that allows you to typeset easily long texts. Lovers of world cuisine will be delighted to discover that it supports over forty languages using the latin alphabet, spiced with hand-picked diacritics and comes also with a tasty side dish of greek and cyrillic characters. It features a set of proper <b>small case</b> character set and alternate oldstyle numerals, as well as a set of <b>repeating letter ligatures</b> to avoid that metallic taste of repeating double characters.

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First seen on DaFont: April 22, 2014

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