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7 posts

Can't install multiple fonts from the same family (not answered in FAQ)

06/01/2012 às 19:27

I've downloaded a font family with multiple variants, but when I try to install them only one shows up. In fact, the first version installed basically overwrites the others. In this case, it's a font family called Homestead (although this has happened with other font families, too), with individual font styles named HomesteadDisplay, HomesteadInline, HomesteadRegular, HomesteadOne, HomesteadTwo, and HomesteadThree. They all look different, but if I install them all, Windows only makes one available. Even the previews of the individual fonts will all display as the same font style. And If I'm looking for the font in Word or publisher, it only shows Homestead instead of the different, individual styles and names. Is there any way to solve this?

It's an .otf font (from, and I am running Windows XP on an HP Compaq dc 7600.

06/01/2012 às 19:51

06/01/2012 às 20:00

It happens the same to me with "Bender" and "Duke" also from "The Lost Type Co-op"...

Editado em 06/01/2012 às 20:01 por rocamaco

06/01/2012 às 23:10

I've had the same problem before too. I never found a solution though....

06/01/2012 às 23:55

Karsten Lücke’s tutorial ‘Font Naming’

06/01/2012 às 23:59

Common problem with font families sharing the same family name. Windows applications that are not otf or multiple master aware (about 99.99999999999999% of all windows programs) don't recognize the style and thus think that the font is already open and will show the same as the first one opened. Not so much an application error but a Windows OS problem since Windows XP.
Workaround: open the otfs in a fonteditor, change the font family name and the unique font identifier of each variation into the fonts name and save as ttf.

Edit kk: Claude's post explains it in detail.

Edit kk again: Why the heck would you want to use such a disasters as Homestead One Two and Three anyway?

Editado 2 vezes. Última edição em 07/01/2012 às 00:05 por koeiekat

09/02/2012 às 19:57

Thanks for the help with this... I too had the same problem with some of Lost Type's fonts.

@koeiekat: Homestead One, Two, and Three are all meant to be used in conjunction with one another. They were created so that the user could easily overlay one set of type over another and use different colors to create easy two-tone typography. I don't think there's anyone out there trying to use them on their own.

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