Anúncio de Gavin.Fiorina



12 posts

Can someone help me I.D. the PARLIAMENT logo font of the 70's?

27/10/2011 às 11:03

Can someone help me I.D. the PARLIAMENT logo font of the 70's? Or at least something close?

Can someone help me I.D. the PARLIAMENT logo font of the 70's?

Fonte identificada

P Funked  Sugerida por hubris 

13/11/2011 às 23:59

Looking for the same thing - anybody have this font replicated or something passably similar?

09/01/2012 às 20:39

Im sure someone has to have it because I saw it on a t-shirt recently but it didnt say Parliament. I dont remember what it said though.

09/03/2012 às 19:37

I wish I can get my hands on this font

11/03/2012 às 17:47

As far as I'm concerned, this seems to be a custom work, and not a font.

12/03/2012 às 19:47

Yeah, I need this one too. Was trying to replicate it in illustrator. Painstaking and end result was not the same.
Definitely IS a custom thingy...although some one needs to recreate a similar looking font in fontographer.

12/03/2012 às 20:21

Considering how regularized it is, I don't think it would be that much effort to turn into a font.
I ended up just cutting it up and making the words that i needed for my project,
since it was only going to be needed once.

13/03/2012 às 16:15

Did the shirt say Aleon Craft?
Fonte identificada: P Funked

13/03/2012 às 16:41

Excellent, Hubris

13/03/2012 às 16:44


13/03/2012 às 17:09

Nice find, hubris Quite difficult to compare using online font preview, but I'd say this font is a custom font made from the old one.

23/03/2012 às 22:41

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have been looking for this font like crazy

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