Anúncio de Lauren Thompson


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30 comentários

frd  28/03/2013
Wow, this font is just amazing ! Awesome job !
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   28/03/2013
@drf_ - Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. I am glad you like it. :D
mv118  29/03/2013
I wuv this font! Thank U =D
simpley beyond awesome!
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   30/03/2013
@mv118 You are welcome, thank you, I am glad you like it. :)
Chloe5972  03/04/2013
Perfect font for digiscrap !! ;-)
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   04/04/2013
@Chloe5972 Thank you :)
theautumnrabbit  04/04/2013
beautiful font!
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   05/04/2013
@theautumnrabbit - Thanks so much, I am glad you like it :)
winty5  13/04/2013
I'm really enjoying this one! It reminds me of mixing a typewriter font and a script. Awesome!
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   16/04/2013
@winty5 -Thank you, I am glad you like it :)
gojuldeb  26/05/2013
Graceful but readable, perfect for scrapbooking! You are a talented lady. Blessings!
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   27/05/2013
@gojuldeb - Thank you so much :)
ChristTrekker  07/02/2014
I very much appreciate the extended character support here. Sooo many free fonts cover Basic Latin, some punctuation, and that's it. To get so many accented chars, plus Greek and Cyrillic, and in such a good-looking script, is really wonderful!

I'd love to see additional symbols/dingbats though. This is the sort of typeface someone would simulate a girl's handwriting with, so matching doodles like (e.g.) ♡⚘⛤❌⭕💘 would be really cool.
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   28/02/2014
@ChristTrekker - Thank you so much, I am glad you appreciate the font :)

Special symbols and dingbats as you suggest would be a great idea, I would definitely consider creating and adding such characters on an update.

Thanks again,
lazybagel  13/06/2014
This is amazing! Do you mind if I use this for my blog? I can also give you all the credit and link it back to you. :)
ChristTrekker  09/07/2014
@PseudoNympho - I see you've released a v1.4. Very nice! Glad to see you revisit your existing designs.
ChristTrekker  26/08/2014
If you're taking requests for "doodles", I can imagine these being useful and/or think they'd look really neat in this style: ⁂⁇⁈⁉ ⃝ ⃞ ⃟ ⃠ ↖↗↘↙⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⇕⇖⇗⇘⇙ ∞ ⌘⌚⌛⎃⏳ ☁☮☹☺☼☽☾♀♁♂♡♢♤♧⚠⚭⛅⛆⛈⛤ ✓✝✡✨❀❄❇❌❣❤➰➳➿ ⟵⟶⟷ ⭕ ⸘⸮ 🌛🌜🌞🌟🌠🌣🌤🌥🌦🌧🌩🌲🌳🌷🌹🎔🎜🎝🎵🎶🏵🐱💓💔💕💖💗💘💙💚💛💜 😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😗😘😙😚😛😜😝 🙰🙵
xio123  10/09/2014
The font is so wonderful. cool thing is that my name is xiomara xD and the font make the name even cooler.
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   02/01/2015
@lazybagel Thank you. Yes you may use it in your blog. I do request a donation for commercial use and for web embedding.
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   02/01/2015
@ChristTrekker Thanks you for noticing, I am glad you like it. And thank you for the character suggestions, I will consider adding some of those in future fonts and updates, they are neat and could useful too.
LaurenRuth  autor de Xiomara   02/01/2015
@xio123 Thank you so much for the kind words on my font, but I think it goes the other way around, your beautiful name makes the font look cooler. :) I've always thought Xiomara was a lovely name, and I think it suits this font nicely. :)
tiffanypelton  03/01/2015
silly question, but how do i use this font? Ive downloaded and im not able to use
hello Lauren!
what donation proper for commercial use? and what docs (or what else) confirm that i can use this font?
carolsisson  08/03/2015
Beautiful! Love it!
SY21  01/06/2015
This font would be perfect for a word art design I have planned...What is the standard donation to use it please?
lyrek  16/11/2015
Love this font and had same question as others. What is suggested donation for commercial use?
leidedaiane85  06/04/2016
Good afternoon, I really enjoyed your font , I wonder what it takes to use it to write Custom Art for the name of my business ? I'm from Brazil and I'm opening a Custom Art business and would like to use your sources is possible ?
ChristTrekker  04/06/2021
Are you still doing font design, @LaurenRuth?
emeca04  20/01/2022
Ευχαριστώ 😊
Jane mcmurray  22/11/2022
I love this font. Woule you please send me a private message as I have a question about a project I am working on and the people used your font for the title. I don't know what to do. My email address is
Thank you for responding as soon as possible.

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