Modius 'Frigid'

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7 comentários

jakass  16/07/2008
el quatini  19/11/2008
very nice
Dernhelm  29/01/2009
Thanks for your time and energy in creating this superb, readable and thorough font (all the characters are here, which is important if you're a "non-Anglo-Saxon person";-). I find it extremely well done, thanks again!
mystiquemaker  17/04/2009
Hi, I really like this font, and I want to download it. How do I do that? So I put the font onto my computer. But now what do I do so that I can use the font?
mrjph331  24/04/2009
It sort of looks like a cross between flames and icicles.
kollin123  28/04/2009
age_reds  10/11/2009

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