Anúncio de Sinister Fonts

Ghastly Panic

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 3.796.500 downloads (944 ontem)   100% Grátis

41 comentários

kpx0xangel  23/11/2006


i really like this font, but i'm not sure how to use it.

kupkake  06/12/2006
omgizzle i like love this font so much and i :[ dont know how to use it..make meh sad
esmemondragon.  12/03/2007
this ones my favorite.
& for those who dont noe how to use it.
u put the text in the "custom preview" box.
SODDA  24/03/2007
i like this font
but idk how to use it either
SYDNEYSULU  01/04/2007
i really like this one
i need to find out how to like write with this
like i have it downloaded and onto paint
but like
how do i make the words into a picture?
like this
zombiegore  14/04/2007
ok this is what you do download it go to control panel in your start menu or whatever and click on appearance and themes look on the left hand side at the very top it well say FONTS click on that and you have your fonts ok thats how u get to your fonts to gt your fonts you downloaded on to it go to your my documents and click make new folder and name it fonts folder click and open it now go back to the file that you opened and click on the file look on the left hand side again and there should be a thing that says move this file click that and find where it says my documents and find the folder then click move and then just put all your fonts on there and when your done just select all of them and click and drag them in to your Fonts file and then open like paint or whatever you have and find the name of the font and there you go you can write with it if you need help e mail me or im me on aim at dirtysceneboy
stephanievillasenor  27/04/2007
i cant find it on my font's thing i need mad help i want to use it on a pic..please send me a msg!
tatianahxc  02/06/2007
i love this one!
SamHeroine  10/06/2007
I downloaded it like a 1000000 times!
But I can never use it!
I don't find it anywhere!

imsofreakinhardcore  22/06/2007
I followed the instructions to download the font and it keeps on saying its alredy being used in another program? HELP!
22kevin22  01/07/2007
i love thiss
cant use itt
ticos  27/07/2007
i love this font<33333;;
zombiegore  31/08/2007
oh yeah you have to close like everything other then what you need like even this thing you have to close
Candy-Core  04/09/2007
Amazing xD
Laurenx.  27/09/2007
keeps saying the same to me to,
i closed every program but it still
says it's being used.
zebrashit  20/01/2008
HELLOOO scene kid font! woooo mahspace, kids!
AK92  24/02/2008
Great font! I used it in a few sigs and it truly adds a thrilling effect
skateproethan205  16/03/2008
luv this font dude! but guys really its not hard to install it...
7Thommo7  14/04/2008
i created a separate folder - "Fonts", i save them in there, then u right-click them and click "extract here", another file will appear beside it, this needs to be dragged into the real "Fonts" folder, which can be found in:
My Computer/C/Windows/Fonts
just drag the font file into this folder and the font can be used on any package! :)
dinoninja1  17/06/2008
um..all i need to know is how to save it
&& then i go the rest
plz help

=] <3
Microsoft Fonts  12/07/2008
OK, it's time I cleared this debate up. Step by step instructions on how to use fonts (this counts for all fonts).

Step 1: Create a folder on your Desktop. Preferably named New Fonts.

Step 2: Download the font you want.

Step 3: Find it and place it into your New Fonts folder.

Step 4: Open up your New Fonts folder.

Step 5: Open the WinRAR Archive of the font you want.

Step 6: Right-click the font file and click where it says "Extract to the specified folder".

Step 7: In the bar where it says "Specify destination" (or something similar), type C:\WINDOWS\Fonts, and it will be alongside all your other fonts, ready to use!

Hope it helps! ^_^


Benny A.
hxcraven  15/07/2008
It doesn't really seem hard to figure out how to use it...I mean there are step-by-step instructions below.
But this is my absolute favvv font.

Add me to myspace.
Bibliotricen  22/07/2008

Check out my link. I used the font to my tattoo! I think it is pretty cool. Thank you for designing it:-)
⟳ә pale horse⟲  25/12/2008
Scene kids ruined this great font,using terms such as "br00t4l" or their vivid use of the false-grindcore genre.
Scene kids epically fail.
noemecorp  30/12/2008
;DDD !! OMG es mi favoriita Carayyy's!
muuy Buena , nana Poka mamii (:
J3ss1c4  14/01/2009
I really like this one.. and It's not difficult to use?

@ Bibliotricen: looks great!
Bibliotricen  21/03/2009
Thanks - I am so happy with the result - I later got the word Lebensfreude on the other wrist in a "nice" handwriting
sickfreak456  25/07/2009
hey can i use this font for a shirt?
rajeshna  01/09/2009
splendid job i can say in short............
this one is my favorite font here and im not sure how to use it on myspace. can anyone please help me out here? thanx
SinisterFonts  autor de Ghastly Panic   02/09/2010
Hi, Folks - I'm the guy that created this font. To answer the question "How do I use it": Silly kids. That's what Google is for. Look up "How to install a font". If you want to use it on MySpace or the web in general, you'll probably have to create a graphic (rather than using the font directly), but that's a whole other tutorial/conversation. To those who ask "Can I use it for (whatever)?", the answer is YES! All my fonts are 100% free to use for whatever you want to use them for. The *only* thing I ever ask is that you don't claim you made it. Links back to are always appreciated, and I love to see what you do with my fonts, so sending samples is nice too. ENJOY!
Acr1m  02/03/2013
Hey, I'm jux poppin in to give you a quick shout out as I download the txt :P Thank you for your contribution. If I ever end up using this text, I'll be sure to give you credit
DivinePath  14/05/2021
can i use this for commercial purposes?
SinisterFonts  autor de Ghastly Panic   18/05/2021
Once again, yes, all Sinister Fonts are free to use for personal & commercial purposes
Banny  02/10/2021
Hellooo, so when I try to use this font on capcut it tells me "file is not supported" Does anyone know how to fix that? I followed a tut capcut gave me but I have no idea if I can use this font for it. Could someone pleaseee helpppp.
losingleoo  11/12/2021
@Banny to add a font you have to download it and it will give you a folder of it. Click the folder and press the 1st file! Yw (Idk how to do on andriod)  28/01/2022
I love this font! I’m gonna use it for my velocity edits!! <3 😩😩
Cherry17  04/02/2022
Halo, font yang sangat bagus, saya berpikir menggunakannya untuk keperluan komersial, jika ada masalah dengan font ini tolong hubungi saya di terimakasih<3
Nilactrx  03/08/2022
I love it really much but I noticed that when I’m using it the letter W always is invisible. What is the proplem?
Afarcus  21/08/2024
Thanks who made this dope shi

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