Typo Garden Demo
1.177.265 descargas (23 ayer) Demo 17 comentarios
Puis je utiliser votre typographie arobase "@" pour signifier l'adresse mail de mon entreprise sur les supports tels que : cartes de visite, toutes lettres types, contacts sur notre site internet ?
J'ai fait un don pour votre police sur paypal, serait il possible de récuperer cette police sans la démo?
Hi, Please may you contact me regarding the use of this font for my business banner?
Many thanks my email is
Hi, please contact me regarding this font pnajafi [at] gmail dot [com].
Hi Once a donation has been made does it remove the demo writting?
anke-art autor de Typo Garden Demo 06/03/2012
@f41thb4by: um... no - the font is not Donation Ware, it's a Demo font. The full version can be purchased via
Honestly, this info can be found easily enough by reading the font details. It's also included in the zip file. And you can see it on the left side, look:
bonjour, je voudrais savoir si j'achète votre police puis-je l'utiliser pour le nom et logo de mon entreprise ?
hello, I would like to know if I buy your policy can I use the name and logo for my company?
anke-art autor de Typo Garden Demo 09/03/2012
@Asta78: Of course - and if you like, send me the link to your company and I'll link back to you from my site.
anke-art autor de Typo Garden Demo 16/09/2012
@TypefaceTales: What a fun idea, thanks for letting me know!
I visited the link you mentioned in the comments above but it doesn't appear to be working. Is it still available for purchase?
Hello I am trying to find this font on your website but I cannot get the website to switch to English.
Please contact me at
J'aimerais utiliser cette police dans le cadre d'une association pour promouvoir un salon d'automne axé sur le développement durable et l'environnement. Ai-je votre autorisation ? Si non, combien coûte l'utilisation de la police svp ?
I tried to visit the site to purchase, but was not able. It was in a language I can't interpret. Would you please let me know how to get the full version without the demo wording on it :)
How can I purchase this font?