Joe Marsh - Looks like a modified version of this… but because this is inspired by a 1911 Sanborn map cover, it *is* possible that there may be another font out there that's a 'closer' match.
Not this fonts first rodeo…
Used to be hosted on Ten Dollar Fonts, but ID link above no longer works
When you generate your font, in the dialogue box under options, you can check the 'windows compatible 'kern'' box. Not sure if that will fix the problem, but worth a try if you haven't tried it already.
(Google translate)
Lorsque vous générez votre police, dans la boîte de dialogue, sous Options, vous pouvez cocher la case "Compatible Windows". Je ne sais pas si cela résoudra le problème, mais cela vaut la peine d'essayer si vous ne l'avez pas déjà essayé.
This has been requested many times before. There is no exact match, but you can find many suggestions and some 'illuminating' discussion on the subject in this thread… read it all! There is a thread on regarding this.
Suggests Liberator as a good start point for recreation. (Not an ID as not a 'font' in the sense of being able to point you to a download)
Trailing 'a' needs "discretionary ligatures to be enabled in the app used for setting the monogram, so check app documentation for how to ‘enable discretionary ligatures’."
Lower arch warp and scaled, with bevel FX added, but York Baile Hill is the 'raw material'
'ockstar' & 'ames' are likely based on this, but it's a 'homage' to a Sanborn Insurance Map cover (If you haven't heard of them, a quick image search is well worth it), as is Galveston TX so could be another out there. Also, if it is based on Galveston TX it's 'modified'.
This post refers:
Not an ID, but a suggested substitute.
Based on this, or the paid version maybe, but could be mixed and matched with Angelic war and Angelic-serif
But don't know where the Cap 'L' comes from.
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