

12 posts

Dirty Dancing

23.03.2010 um 16:19

Do anybody know what kind of font, they used on the "Dirty Dancing" poster ?

Need this font

Dirty Dancing

Bearbeitet am 23.03.2010 um 16:29 von Rodolphe

Dies ist höchstwahrscheinlich kein Font

Vorgeschlagene Fonts

Streetbrush  Vorgeschlagen von vinz 
Tahiti Script  Vorgeschlagen von matbonnier 
Blaze  Vorgeschlagen von Khima-Inez 
Rage Italic  Vorgeschlagen von ssampson 
Still Time  Vorgeschlagen von Heron2001 

23.03.2010 um 16:54

hello & welcome,
I think this is not a font,
because the "D" and the "i" is not similar.

23.03.2010 um 19:05

"n" are different too, the logo looks handwritten...

Bearbeitet am 11.10.2021 um 16:46 von marty666

23.03.2010 um 23:27

Is there any font, witch look's simular ?


24.03.2010 um 09:04

For this kind of script fonts, you'll find happiness at Sudtipos :

24.03.2010 um 15:29

Varmint sagte  
Is there any font, witch look's simular ?


You should find something here >>

20.04.2010 um 22:42

J'suis entarde - j'suis desolee

I just saw this - last time I needed something similar I used Still Time. Not the same - but did the trick for me.
Vorgeschlagener Font: Still Time

21.04.2010 um 00:55

Looks nice I will try.

07.05.2010 um 10:50

Found the "Streetbrush" that have more the brush look & feel of the logo
Vorgeschlagener Font: Streetbrush

30.01.2013 um 14:44

Another suggestion that might work.
Vorgeschlagener Font: Blaze

12.01.2017 um 07:26

Way too late for the original post, but I believe it is hand drawn, but based on Rage Italic designed by Ron Zwingelberg in 1984. Dirty Dancing came out in 1987. Rage Italic was very popular in the 80s and was available as a Letraset press down font back then. I believe daFont carries it now.
Vorgeschlagener Font: Rage Italic

Bearbeitet 3 mal. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.01.2017 um 07:34 von ssampson

02.12.2019 um 00:37

I had the same problem, I used NWB Tahiti Script
Vorgeschlagener Font: Tahiti Script

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