Cute Notes

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 2.825.341 Downloads (519 gestern)   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch

11 Kommentare

Chloe5972  14.12.2017
cute font !
fatima.flower  26.07.2020
Cute font! I like it, I’ll use it for my tiktok!
swasswas  28.09.2020
Cute ntes is a cute and fantastic font:) :]
ChiaraBv  20.10.2020
Richard Adams  30.11.2020
Hi Author
Could you advise if I can use this for minmal commercial use with a donation ?Many thanks
Darrell Flood  Autor von Cute Notes   01.12.2020
Hey there, yes, if you donate $20 USD to me via PayPal, then you can use the font commercially. Have a great day!
Weeb ^. .^  05.12.2020
Can i use this font for my youtube video?
fontlover77  01.01.2021
Just perfect 👌
anapospin  13.04.2021
Hi Author:
Can I use the font "Cute Notes" for personal use free?
Darrell Flood  Autor von Cute Notes   14.04.2021
For personal use? Of course! Please use it freely. It's only if you are making money using the font when you have to pay the $20 USD. Have a nice day!
Natalialamaskul  04.01.2023
Hey, your font is very very nice.. I would like to use it but :(

the font don't have á é í or ¡¿, pleeeeeese help me

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