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Posts par metaphasebrothel

How would you expect ANYONE to be able to help you with this, when you don't tell us which font(s) you plan to use? Do you think there is one answer to your questions that would apply to every font? Smarten the fuck up!

03/08/2013 à 01:38  [réponse]  What does this mean ?

ThirdDimension, Lobster is a donationware font, meaning that you can use it commercially, without paying anything to the author, but you also can make a donation of any amount to the author or his chosen payee.

Why would someone pay for the font, if they don't have to? It depends on who wants to use it. If it's a regular Joe making a flyer, he may chose to pay nothing. If it's a magazine or a large corporation, they may make a sizable donation, if they would otherwise have had to purchase a license for an existing commercial font, or if they would have had to pay a graphic designer to create an equivalent custom text. The commercial model is based on the user's financial means, and the value they place on their use of the author's work.

This is all based on the assumption that the designer, Pablo Impallari, has not changed the licensing terms since the font was initially released.

The 'Apache' license he uses also allows users to modify glyphs, (but why would you want to?), so presumably, if you needed an accented character that is not already included in the font, you would be allowed to create one, based on a glyph already in the font.

25/07/2013 à 02:54  [réponse]  Dark 11 Free or not??

22/07/2013 à 07:13  [réponse]  No Licensing Info!

No, Bright Eyes is Charleton Heston/ Taylor in Planet of the Apes, (1968). He won't die until the Earth explodes in Beneath the Planet of the Apes, almost two thousand years from now.

22/07/2013 à 02:07  [réponse]  Mary Poppins

Check your private messages, Susan D.

22/07/2013 à 02:03  [réponse]  No Licensing Info!

It's very possible that someone other than Bright Ideas may have submitted the Bright Ideas fonts to Dafont. That would explain why there are no designer details nor licensing terms shown.

alr a dit  
Metaphasebrothel, the above statement does make sense. However while this author says his/her font is free, when you download there is a copyright saying "all rights reserved". Since I am obtaining a font for commercial use, it would behoove me to make sure that it is indeed legally available for commercial use. I would rather take the time to find out now then fight a lawsuit in the future. Also, I am not the only one who has been confused by the info given for this particular font as I see others on the comment section looking for clarification as well. So with all of this said, do you or at this point anyone have any information on how to contact JW//Type?

Ps. thank you Koelekat for understanding my initial inquiry.

If a font is designated as Free at DaFont, it means that you don't have to pay anything to the designer to use it commercially.

If conditions are attached to the use of a font at DaFont, the author will indicate this when chosing the licensing terms. Information about the terms of use will appear in the font header, or in a supplemental read me/ license file, or in the note of the author.

For Free fonts at DaFont, if there are no specified restrictions stated, you have been given implied consent to use the work for personal AND professional purposes.

These guidelines do not necessarily apply if you download a font on a fly by night site, because many of those sites take their content from DaFont, almost always without the consent of the designer. They frequently remove license/ read me/ graphics files, and only make the .ttf or .otf file available.

In the case of Aaaiight!, the font author could not sue you for unauthorized commercial use, because it was the author who designated the work as free, when it was submitted. He made a free software file, for people who use and collect fonts. Maybe his fonts are skill-testing-question ware, ie: they are free to use, provided that the user understands the meaning of FREE, without further clarification.

All rights reserved just means that the font is not in the public domain, so while he does not charge you to use the font, you do not have the right to charge someone else for its use. You also do not have the right to create a knock off of his font, listing yourself or another entity as the holder of the intellectual property.

Aaaiight! is a Free font. That means you don't need to contact the author to use it. Maybe that's why he doesn't answer his comments.

If you were inquiring about a different Free font, the answer would be the same. If you were inquiring about a Free for Personal Use, Shareware, Donationware or Commercial font, the answer would always be different.

1) JPEG images are useless, because they use too many colours. Your source images need to be in black and white, or in colours that will turn black and white, if saved as a monochrome image.

2) No one is going to show you how to make changes someone else' font. The person who made the font wanted it to be the way it is.

3) It takes considerably more than five minutes to edit a font glyph.

Édité le 19/07/2013 à 00:55 par metaphasebrothel

It would have been a good idea if you had mentioned the name(s) of the font author(s) you're trying to contact, because there couldn't possibly be a single answer to cover a question so broad. It shouldn't have been necessary to point that out.

That's probably why no one is stepping up to help you.

18/07/2013 à 04:42  [réponse]  KG Flavor and Frames Two

I think that's intentional. It lets you type text inside the frames. I don't think you're supposed to type frames on top of each other.

17/07/2013 à 00:36  [réponse]  Is this illegal?

It's quite common on DeviantArt to find well known fonts retitled to match with an easily recognizable commercial use. For example, the font Onyx,

renamed Nirvana, because it was used on the Nevermind CD.

Menhir a dit  
Of course not, this is not a scam. It is quite normal for someone to ask a stranger to make a financial transaction of millions. This is natural.

Not scam, Spam. Spam is junk messages/e-mail, named after the English canned meat-like food product.

14/07/2013 à 18:46  [réponse]  Compressed files

You might need to install a newer version of your archiving app, (winrar, winzip, 7z, etc.). That's usually the solution, when some people are having this problem, but others are not.

If your intention is to make a nice piece of clipart with Illustrator, you need take things no further.

If you want to make a nice font, your Illustrator image is only a source, not a finished image. Spend less time perfecting the source graphic, and spend more time editing that source graphic with the font editor. No matter how detailed your source is, it will not import without some distortion. I'm not even sure that the source graphic and the vector will be of identical size - mine get reduced by about 6%, when importing.

There's an easy way to tell. using Microsoft Word. Generate a source graphic at the size you expect to be 72 points. After generating the fonts, install and select it. Add the source graphic to a Word doc, (insert -> Image -> From file), then type the font glyphs next to it at 72 points, and compare sizes.

gigagrother a dit  

Frankly, having inspected modern fonts here and there, I think the editors are very problematic to use and most of those fonts, if correct for small weight, look dreadfull once enlarged. I don't see how shapes can ever go perfectly right with that grid system, tell me if i am wrong...

The source graphic you make with Illustrator is only the starting point, if you want to make a good quality font. In ScanFont 3, which I use, the vector can be enlarged to the extent that changes can be made, equivalent to 1/96th of an inch at 864 points, (equivalent to 1/6912 of an inch/ about 1/2720 of a centimeter, at 72 points). Trying to judge things like parallel lines by eye is not going to give you accurate results, when the vector in enlarged, or reduced in size. Think of it like dividing numbers, but with a remainder, rather than a decimal, if the quotient is not a whole number. Example: You create a line that is supposed to have a slope of 3:1, but it's slightly off, (3,019/1,003), so the actual value is 3.00997:1, or slightly less than 1% error. The font editor will spread the excess value of 10 over the 1,003 distance, and the error will be almost impossible to notice. If you make the image 20% as large, the excess of 10 will be spread over about 251, making the error percentage 4%, instead of 1. Sometimes that 1/ 6912 variation at 72 points will be very noticeable at some, but not all, smaller point sizes, particularly with a straight horizontal or vertical line. The font editor will realize that the line is not exactly straight, and will assume that you wanted it to be that way. The font editor has no capacity for intuition; it doesn't correct your mistakes, it assumes that your mistakes are correct, and adjusts accordingly.

Many fonts are designed specifically to be used within a certain point size range. There aren't many script fonts that look good below 18-24 points, and there aren't many bitmap fonts that look good at larger than 72 points.

Don't blame the font editor, when fonts don't scale well. Blame the person who edited the font.

07/07/2013 à 12:27  [réponse]  Font or creator...

The letters look hand drawn, or printed from wood or metal type. It explains the rough edges and some small ink blots. Most of the letters have different heights and/ or baselines, suggesting further that this is not a font sample. I see "Roman Caps" from the clipped text at the bottom, as well.

06/07/2013 à 20:38  [réponse]  What font is this?

Previously identified here:

Police identifiée : Strangelove Text

Édité 2 fois. Dernière édition le 06/07/2013 à 20:49 par metaphasebrothel

The image changes to a vector when you import it into a font editing program. This vector is not an exact reproduction of the image you made in Illustrator, it is a reasonable facsimile. If you want the vector to exactly reproduce the imported image, you need to edit the vector.

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