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Posts por maybefrench


21/08/2022 às 17:27  [post inicial]  Looks like a font for a shoe brand

I can't put my finger on it. Pretty sure it's a font from a shoe brand. Not quite sure. Any idea ?

16/11/2018 às 13:08  [post inicial]  Incanté / Envouté / Conjuré

Hey guys ! Here again with a specific HP font ( more a FBWTFT ) : we are having a debate with friends and I'm pretty sure this is heavily PiS work. What do you think ?
I'm sorry for the quality, as usual french-related prop of good quality are hard to find :/

Editado em 14/11/2018 às 22:56 por jerseygirl

26/09/2018 às 17:24  [resposta]  Numbers


26/09/2018 às 16:23  [post inicial]  Numbers

It looks like Corbel but, not.

user9898 disse  
kylelgr disse  
Crimes New Roman

Thanks! Is there a way to download it?

Officially, no. It would be propriety of Warner or Mina Lima. Whichever the guy was working for. Might do it or find a font that looks like it.

13/09/2018 às 12:56  [resposta]  Beasts

Début de piste : Brazzaville.
Le S ne correspond pas. Ni le B.

Fonte sugerida: Brazzaville

11/09/2018 às 22:16  [resposta]  Beasts

I'm more after the A and I'm pretty sure it's not a genuine font but a mix. My font collection is so large I can't remember !!

10/09/2018 às 19:05  [post inicial]  Beasts

I usually start with WhatTheFont for such fonts but the new tool is bunky with me.
So here goes.

02/09/2018 às 00:57  [post inicial]  Helvetica ?

Pretty sure it's a widely known and obvious font ... can't put my finger on it

Editado em 03/09/2018 às 11:42 por frd

27/09/2017 às 18:17  [post inicial]  Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

Just out of curiosity, which font would that be?

15/09/2017 às 15:56  [post inicial]  Flourish & Blotts

There's about 2 fonts on this image and I can't find any of them. Most importantly, I'm looking for the Flourish - Blotts part.

12/03/2017 às 02:18  [resposta]  Ilvermorny

Wow ! Thanks !

11/03/2017 às 23:28  [post inicial]  Ilvermorny

It looks like a mix of a famous font with a sword thru the E and Caslon Antique but still can't find what font it is.

Thank you
The closest I had found was Vacer Serif.

08/10/2016 às 00:05  [post inicial]  Varsity, Western, Simple serif ?


I'm looking for this font.
The S are particular for this kind of font.

28/07/2015 às 23:47  [resposta]  Les XII Singes - Les 12 Singes

Thank you a lot I didn't know about that font of Da Vinci. Thanks

28/07/2015 às 16:55  [post inicial]  LudikBazar

I really can't see which one that is ...

28/07/2015 às 16:29  [post inicial]  Les XII Singes - Les 12 Singes

Hello, pour un site je dois utiliser les logos de plusieurs boîtes et of course, personne ne fournis jamais le bon matos. Du coup j'ai besoin de recréer seulement le titre ( et pas le singe, dieu merci ! ), je vois bien qu'il est constitué de plusieurs polices. Le L par exemple est une version modifié de P22 - Da Vinci, le E me semble familier, ça doit être une police courante ... mais pour le reste, je suis clueless. Un coup de main please

12/12/2013 às 23:20  [post inicial]  Vieille font administrative 1898

Challenge les gens !
Je suis à la recherche d'une police utilisée en 1898 : je cherche donc quelque chose de très beaucoup approchant pour recréer des documents

Alors, qui accepte le challenge ?
Pour le moment je ne suis arrivée à rien avec WhatTheFont


Challenge people !
I'm looking for a font used in 1898 : I'm looking for the font or something really close to it to recreate some documents for gaming purpose

So, who's accepting the challenge ?
For the moment I've come to nothing with WhatTheFont

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