Whichis the European Space Agency font?
Many thanks in advance
Fontes sugeridas
Helvetica Neue Heavy Sugerida por notfon1234
Foobar Pro Sugerida por Usuário excluído 605223 
This font is from Helvetica family. They only worked on the "e" for opening the letter.
lothaire disse 
This font is from Helvetica family. They only worked on the "e" for opening the letter.
It's acctually Helvetica Neue Heavy with a modified "e"
The e is from a font that is found on dafont.com
Editado em 18/11/2014 às 17:28 por usuário excluído 605223
The best way to make a replica of the logo is use the font Foobar Pro Regular from dafont.com, and if you already have Arial installed on your computer, use that for the a.
Editado em 18/11/2014 às 17:29 por usuário excluído 605223
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