Vanilla Whale

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 892.132 downloads (203 ontem)   Domínio público / GPL / OFL

9 comentários

agustinluisbou92  20/06/2008
Linda fuente. Las minúsculas tienen una línea arriba y una línea abajo y las mayúsculas no.
SrJunior  04/12/2016
Buenas , voy a usar tu fuente para mi aplicación en google play!
Gracias por ponerla 100% gratis!
iPhellix  28/09/2020
Hello! I am currently working on a game and I'm looking for a western font. I know this font (also, it's awesome) is 100% free, but the game is made in pixels. I want to modify it to match the game. Can I do that ?
typodermic  autor de Vanilla Whale   01/10/2020
Use the contact font at and I'll explain.
typodermic  autor de Vanilla Whale   01/10/2020
I mean contact form.
BEN LUDLOW!!!  06/10/2022
typodermic  autor de Vanilla Whale   07/10/2022
Hi, Ben!
Ginokino  09/10/2022
Hello, I would like to use this for commercial use. Can you let me know if it’s possible.
My email is:
Thank you,
typodermic  autor de Vanilla Whale   10/10/2022
It's free for commercial use. Details are included with the font.

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