PR8 Charade

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57 comentários

Gyom Séguin  19/07/2007
Nicely done!
fino940  24/02/2011
Hello There
my name is Fiona and we really love your font above PR8 charade. We would love to use this on a packaging design we have created. We need to use this for commercial purposes please. It need to be buy out rights too.

I hope you are ok with us using this. I would appreciate your approval.

Thank you
Cledefa  10/03/2011
I'm Thomas and we really like your font (PR8 charade). We would like to use this on a A-board design. We need to use this for commercial purposes please. It need to be buy out rights too.

I hope you are ok with us using this. I would appreciate your approval.

Thank you
kind4peace  07/04/2011
I am looking for approval to use your PR8 Charade font in my Logo for my business. I would appreciate your response and approval. Thanks
katelynpetras  11/04/2011
I would like to use PR8 Charade for a logo. Please let me know if I have your approval...thanks!
Alice1126  18/05/2011
Hello, Same as above. I am interested in using this for a logo, Please let me know if I have your approval. Thank you!
babylon3  02/06/2011
Hi, I have a client (a charity) interested in using your font. How can they go about getting your permission or getting the rights.
alsalas17  17/07/2011
Hello, along with everyone else I wanted to know if I could use PR8 charade for a logo I am developing for a very small company that is just starting out. I would love your approval and I would greatly appreciate it if you could just let me know. My email is Thanks again!
GabyCis  20/07/2011
Hello, I am looking for approval to possibly use the PR8 Charade font for a logo. Please advise.
brigitteb  03/08/2011
I would like to use your font to a commercial use.
could you please contact me as soon as possible.
Thank you!
cscowcroft  26/08/2011
Hi, I have a client (a charity) interested in using your font for some promotional materials. Please contact me and confirm that it is fine to use.
Thank you.
Valerie Venezia  25/01/2012
Hi There

My name is Valerie and our client is found of your typography. We'd like to use it on a packaging design as a variant descriptor for 3 cereal bars.
Thanks a lot in advance for your quick approval.
Best regards
bhenders  01/02/2012
I would like to use your font for commercial use. How can I go about getting your permission or getting the rights? Thanks.
DUMARI  08/02/2012

I hope you are well! I am looking for approval to please use the PR8 Charade font for a wine label. It is for a small wine farm in South Africa. Please let me know if it is okay with you?

Thank you for a great font!
tjr  26/02/2012
I'm also interested in this for commercial use. Can you please let me know how you handle the licensing of this font? Thank you so much
michelotti  21/03/2012
I am interested in using this font for a logo that I am putting together. We would like to know as soon as possible if we can have approval to use it. If we need to purchase a license we would love to talk about that as well.
Thanks so much for making a great looking font.
bmadley  24/05/2012

Like so many people here I think PR8 Charade is just beautiful and I was wondering if it would be possible to get permission to use it in a logo for an art gallery (commercial use). How is licensing for this font handled?

Beautiful work.

cbradley  14/06/2012

I would like to use your font for commercial use. We would be using it for a logo for a market / cafe type place. Could you please let me know if this is something you would consider?

Thank you!
Charmaine Bradley
coral83  08/07/2012
Hi, I am also wondering about the licensing. Is this a good way of getting in touch with you?
Usuário excluído 589872  05/10/2012
Hello I would like to use your font for commercial use. I am using it for a resteraunt/cafe place. May I have your permission to use this font. Thank you
dowraik  01/11/2012
Hi, I'd like to to use your font for a commercial use. May I have your permission please? Thank you very much.
ScarApp  03/12/2012
Hi, Can I get a price for Commercial license or full use license, however you refer to it please. Would like to use this for business marketing. Thanks
Juliet Travers  05/01/2013
Hi, I am a wallpaper designer for interior furnishings and would like to use this font for my logo. Please may I have your approval?

I look forward to hearing form you.

Many thanks.
icelcandido  06/01/2013
Great job! May I have your approval to use your font on an ad?
creon  21/03/2013
I would like to use your font for commercial use. How can I buy license?
BR /Imbi
lillie syracuse  29/03/2013
Hi!! Love your font! PR8 Charade is absolutely perfect for a logo that I am creating for my business. How do I go about buying a license from you? Email me at
littlestar80  20/05/2013
I just started my little business of handmade jewellery, and i'll love to be able to use your beautiful font to put my name on my jewellery pictures. May I have your approval to use it ? or could you please tell what is the procedure to be able to use it ? Thanks a lot in advance for your answer.
jstiantian  01/07/2013
Fantastic font! I am also wondering am I able to use this font in my personal labelled wearing? Thank you so much! my email is
Tobiasegger  30/07/2013
I would like to use the font on a little tag on my Website. Please send me your approval. Best regards. (jodok(at)
Jen_midd  18/09/2013
Hello, I really love your font and would like to obtain permission to use it as part of my logo. I am just starting up as an interior designer so my logo is just my name but your font looks fantastic, please let me know if this is possible or if there is a way of achieving this, Thank you
lotussitus  31/10/2013
I hi I would very much like to have your permission to use this font for the website for Tropical Popical, a nail salon in Dublin, Ireland. We would also like to use it on the poster we will have printed and hung in the nail salon.

Please send me you approval. Awesome font. Thanks!
eb1023  17/01/2014
Hi there,
Like many others, I'm wondering if I can use this for a commercial use and if buying a license is possible. I looked for ways to contact you, but don't see any. My email is

Thank you!
mailysmo  20/03/2014
Hi, I really love it and I would like to know if it is free for commercial use or if we can have your approval? Please let me know, thank you
yuzu  14/05/2014
Hello I would like to use your font for commercial use.would like to know if it is free for commercial use or if we can have your approval?
How do I go about buying a license from you?
tlctara  10/06/2014
How do I go about purchasing your font for commercial use?
shaniekim  09/07/2014
I would like to use your font on a mini sampler packaging I'm creating for a company. Do I have permission?
shaniekim  09/07/2014
Also please email me at
mjtrain3  12/08/2014
Great font! How do I purchase a license for commercial use? Thank you!
fabcamroy  19/08/2014
i really like this font, what i`ve to do if i want to use it in the logo of a new small business?
fabcamroy  20/08/2014
i really like this font, what i`ve to do if i want to use it in the logo of a new small business?
fabcamroy  20/08/2014
hello? im trying to contact the author, i want to use this for commercial use. has someone contacted the author here?
katheik  11/11/2014

i like your font and i will use it for a very small company. Where can i get a license for commercial use?
thanks, Kathrin
wefflebean  17/11/2014
Hello, I would also like to ask for approval to use for commercial purposes and as logo for small business. Please let me know how to go about this. Thank you.
drbolivia  13/01/2015
Hey, same as everyone else I wanted to inquire about using this font for a small business. Thanks!
wt  02/02/2015
Hi Digital PR8, same as all - would it be possible to use the font for a small business logo? Thanks.
Black Owl  08/03/2015

Love your font, I would like to use it for a pull out quote in a magazine layout for a local publication plus I also have a client who would like to use it for their logo.

Please advise
Thanks, Amy
mrsarvy  28/04/2015
Hello. I am interested in purchasing the rights to use this font on a range of greetings cards. I would appreciate it if you could let me know how I can do this. Thank you.
reiisme  06/07/2015
Hello I would like to use your font for commercial use.
How do I go about buying a license from you?
Plz contact me!
Thank you!
elbe_nh  07/12/2015
same as everyone else;)
I love this font an i would like to use your font for commercial use.
How do I go about buying a license from you?

Please conatct me!!!
aarup  11/04/2016
I would like to use your font for commercial use - how do I buy a license?
juliaaparente  24/06/2016
Hi! I would like to use your font for my logo and packaging :) How do I get a license? You can reach me at

Thank you!
Frik121gnt  29/08/2016

I would like to purchase a license for commercial use. How?

fundango  27/09/2016

I also would like to purchase a commercial license. Please contact me.
Thank you!
ahirschel  09/11/2016
I am interested in potentially using this for a commercial project. How much would a commercial license be?
habibanasr  25/03/2017
I'm interested in using your font for a logo. How do I get the license?

Thank you!
thekraftsyshop  20/04/2017
Hello, my name is Kassandra.

I love this font. I need to use for commercial use for a logo and buy out rights, how can I go about doing so?
Strumpfsocke  11/05/2017
Hello, my name is Tini. I love this font too and I wand to use it for a little campain in germany - a slogan.
How can I get the licence and how much would it be? Please mail to

Thank you!

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