Pitch Display

Pré-visualização customizada
 94.226 downloads (2 ontem)   100% Grátis

3 comentários

jouley  30/03/2016
Hi, I'm a freelance illustrator and I'd like to know if it's okay to use Pitch Display completely free of charge for a cover design for a book that's to be sold commercially. If not, do advise if there's any license I should purchase. Please contact me at julius.jpg@gmail.com as soon as you're able.

Thank you.
Love this font, used it on a video for the group PITCH BLACK you can find here:


We like this font just the way it comes (which is Pitch Display)
eggming  15/12/2018
Hello, Can I use this font for commercial trademarke. Please email me at eggming2010@gmail.com Thanks!

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