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18 comentários

Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   30/06/2019
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cphillips  06/07/2019
Can you tell me how to get the extension on the front and back of the word text?
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   07/07/2019
You have to download premium flashback, you will get it all
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   07/07/2019
Best Bundle

10 Font Families for JUST $10. This incredible bundle has been reduced by 93% for a limited time only.

turkalian75  11/07/2019
ok i have purchased the bundle but what key do you have to press to get the extension
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   11/07/2019
Hi @turkalian75 check your Inbox and Email. I have sent how to use it thanks
tmjmb  18/07/2019
I purchased the bundle and I still not getting the extensions. Is there a special command that needs to be used?
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   18/07/2019
bust3rb0yclair3  26/07/2019
I just purchased the flashback font. Can you please tell me how to get the extra swirls on the letters?
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   26/07/2019
Cek your Inbox and Email
MrsBTaylor719  16/09/2019
Hello. I purchased this font bundle. I need to know how to add the swirls on each end of the words please
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   16/09/2019
MrsBTaylor719 cek your inbox
DaynaRose  04/01/2020
hello I also am not getting the swirls on the end. Please help. Thanks !!
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   05/01/2020
Cek your inbox, thanks
jrracingmom  08/01/2020
I to can't figure out how to make the swirls and add-ons. please help
Bestfontstudio  autor de Flashback   09/01/2020
I purchased flashback. Can you please tell me how to add swashes?
I purchased flashback. Can you please tell me how to add swashes?

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