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17 comentários

happyskunk  01/01/2012
I really love the text file that comes with this. A very interesting story.
Momo  06/11/2012
Mercii ;)
helenou2  26/04/2013
Merci beaucoup,j'ai réalisé un livret de mariage dont le thème et l’Égypte,il me fallait une écriture dans ce style merci beaucoup cela m'a bien aidé
Jay0973  12/09/2013
I'd like to use your font for some work, would you be able to send me your terms and conditions in a private message please? (call me skeptical, but nothing is free these days!) Thanks for your help and look forward to hearing from you soon!
estefani220  20/01/2014
happyskunk... I don't know where you are, but thank you for mentioning the letter. I love it! I am going to show it to my children, who I am sure will like it as well.

Thank you Apostrophic Labs for adding story to font!
Mr.Malware  21/10/2015
kristell  15/06/2016

I am Dominique from Signum Art, french fonts reseller
One of my client is interested to buy a commercial licence concerning DIOGENES for 5 CPUs

Are you agree to work with reseller ?

If yes, could you send me a quote please ?

Best regards
rianchochochiko  20/03/2018
awesome font..thank you so much
Desisantorini  29/08/2018
are there any commercial terms on this font?
TnXnT  22/01/2020
are there any commercial terms on this font?
Amoga  21/01/2021
Hello, We are a team of students making a 2D animation short film and we would like to use it for our credits. Could you tell us if we can or send us the terms and conditions?
Omally  09/02/2021
Can I use this for a personal logo or do I need a license? very interested: D Thank you very much. bbeato93@gmail.com
DesignVS  18/03/2021
I love this font. Is this font free for commercial use? Thank you :)
sauli  28/04/2021
i love it, thanks!
Galgo94  27/06/2021
Hey Apostrophic Labs
I am really interested in using your font Diogenes for a commercial use. Is it free for a commercial use? Thank you in advance
Daibarbosa  05/01/2022
Hi! Can I use your font in my book? Here is 100% but I would to confirm...
Please send me a email daoanebp@gmail.com
Jokernight  18/02/2022
Hello, I love your font, and I would like to use it on my website, is it possible ?
Thank you very much.

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