Bleeding Cowboys

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132 comentários

pioSko  06/07/2007
Awesome font. Well done.
theguywhocriedwolf  06/07/2007
Now that's a spicy-a-meatball! (said with Italian accent) the shot-wounds for the "i" dots!
extate  06/07/2007
chavez ravine  07/07/2007
like most of the Gyom's fonts, it's really beatiful. and like all the Gyom's fonts, have the little problem of the missing international caracters (ñ, accents, etc.)
kozmiq  10/07/2007
Soulshards  11/07/2007
I love it! It works for a lot of things!
bethxxx  12/07/2007
<3 da font huni xxxx
RockGoddess  13/07/2007
<3 I love this font, Like all Gyom's fonts, they're all great!!! <3
hollywoodhorse  19/07/2007
cool font!
shaylovex34  28/09/2007
Heyy, this is neat.
can you make me
Yo, its Shaina!
in middle size?!?
Please and thanks.
is my myspace,
i add you.
Baby-Friesz  30/09/2007
This font is awesome.
I use it all the time for my skins on "Bebo".

Please add me @
thesneak  09/10/2007
totally killer work bro. You should keep it up, you make the most creative fonts here ...
Smartypantz  09/10/2007
Yeah, excellent. Some Die hard Dallas cowboys might take offense though at the name, but then again, some of them might not!
finishthefight916  07/11/2007
how come when i download it i cant use it with like microsoft word....someone please explain to me how to download and use it... email me at
hawaiianchick41  13/11/2007
im sorry,
when you are adding that font onto your computer it asks
me for a password. Do any of you have an idea what that
password may be.
sil_sil  16/11/2007
<3 amazing!
04marshallk  20/11/2007
this font rocks dude xoxox
dancerxox  24/11/2007
smitty618  05/12/2007
this is one of me favourite fonts, its great
michrae  11/01/2008
I am on a mac... can't seem to get it to install... any tricks I should know?
savagetx  15/01/2008
I like this font. But the swirls that extend are cut off... (ie: Capital U bottom of swirl flat)and some of the bleeds are cut at the bottom. Is this the way you meant it to be? Just curious. Very kewl font tho
RiCube 0X  16/01/2008
Nice font ... but it remebers me of an ad campaign in France ;)
Jolie police, ça me fait penser à une certaine campagne de pub (concernant les nouveaux proprietaire d'une certaine de télé et de radio ...)
heathrow'smom  19/01/2008
Great font but NO apostrophe:(
bega  05/02/2008
so0o cute font
csingh84  15/02/2008
Hi, Great font! Looks wicked…would you mind if use this to watermark my photography?
3tailer  06/03/2008
Love it!
iHeartx3  07/03/2008
so intricate :D <33
stana  01/04/2008
mmhhmmmm i LOOVVVEE it!!!! use it 4 nearly everything, lol.
designer85  23/04/2008
Very Cool. Thought you might like to know that the Spring 2008 Fellers Catalog (One of the largest Sign and Vinyl Supply stores in the US) used this font extensively throughout their catalog (Even on the front cover). I just noticed they also have it in their website too.
Texasfranchise  28/04/2008
Crazy font!!! How can I use it?
Rictor  01/05/2008
Definitely my favorite font. Superb Job. Your fonts are amazing.

anyone having installation problems on Macs, you drag the .ttf into your font directory (HD/Library/Fonts) and it will ask for YOUR PASSWORD (the password it asks you for whenever you install or alter any program [for that person who was confused about passwords])
TheWastelander  20/05/2008
I'm seeing "free for personal use" as license, Last Soundtrack I hope you're getting PAID. I've seen this in COUNTLESS designs that are being used for commercial purposes. It's on the new Eminem CD cover(lots of other band logos), T-Shirts at Virgin Megastore, all kinds of print and web media. I work at and this is the MOST popular font now that I see being used in everything from church flyers and business cards to brochures and promo pieces.

This may just become the new Papyrus. (Used to death in EVERYTHING imaginable)
CustomBusinessCards  21/05/2008
I doubt that it was used unpaid for Eminems CD cover.

But might be true for business cards.
clovia1  24/05/2008
cool font may i use it for a logo ??? :DDD
setheyne  07/06/2008
I highly doubt your sayings about Eminem's cd. If so, I'd want to see a URL.

nice font, otherwise :]
phoenix3  14/06/2008
very nice
edgario1994  17/06/2008
Awesome Work, it was even used for a cd Cover for a Very Famous "Rancheras" songs, take a look.

they did change some things though, but its Your font. =]

u must be very proud of urself.
edgario1994  19/06/2008
franchfry622  26/06/2008
wow!?!? wat a n awesome font!!!! gud job =D
love to download it, but DOESNT work =O
KikiCriminalMind  27/06/2008
gretta89  08/07/2008

Barry Bujol  12/07/2008
Nice!! I saw this font on a Calvin Klein shirt in Foley's. I hope they're paying you just dues. Keep it up, I'm inspired!!
snarfont  23/07/2008
Great font, very stylish and intricate! However, like many other users here, the swirls and blood marks are getting cut off on various software, such as Microsoft Word. I've read the FAQs but that didn't help at all.
Stewjr  01/08/2008
Hey, I want to know if I need to get your permission to use this font in a design for a logo? The work is going to be free, or next to free, most likely, so I figured you should know that I'm not getting rich off of you.
This really is an awesome font! Like the others are saying, I'm seeing this pop up everywhere. I've personally used it for a flyer for our church in the past. (Free work, of course)
camila101  16/08/2008
bleeding cowboys is a classic font for me, i use it very much and it suites all occasions, derived from classic western fonts it really stands out.
krystlekay  20/08/2008
This is truly an awesome font! Would like to use this on a logo. Can I get your permission?
FAHLIDE  01/11/2008 classic font..

but like it..!!!!!hwahwahwa..
ceyms55  03/11/2008
yeri var
ayuvivian  12/11/2008
EleeGirl  27/11/2008
<3 THiS!

dafont4all  17/01/2009
Really Nice and not 'over the top'. Good job!
SunshineyDay  23/01/2009
What a great font! I'm hoping I can use it for a logo!
What's your policy on this? Thank you!
Someone  05/02/2009
This is the coolest font in existence, no doubt! I use it for personal graphics very often.

I recently used this for a lit project, and it turned out well in result. Also, I saw the Bleeding Cowboys font used in the flash game "Sift Heads 4" in the opening credits. It is a great font to use for large text.
patgraphart  15/02/2009
Hey i got a question i signed one of my art pictures with your font witch is really cool by the way and i would like to know do you mind if i use it commercially on T-shirts that i make ? Well thanks see ya !
Wolf49  06/03/2009
My most favourite font!
I luv it :]
digimon  15/03/2009
evisr8r  13/04/2009
Yep, this font blew up. It's all over the place, and for good reason, it looks so nice. I just hope the donations are flowing in.
coyotehowlings  03/05/2009
Lovin' this font but I do have question.
In word it tends to cut off parts.
Anyway to correct it?
JFL  18/05/2009
can i use it for a flyers for a little event ?? its said for personal use i know but just to be shure ??
Your a great designer! I'm designing a concert poster for a small town fair. I wanted to ask your permission to use Bleeding Cowboy on the poster.
westpintbrew  17/06/2009
i was hoping to know how i could use this for future commercial use on my website and maybe further usage?
amppere  20/06/2009
o wow thk u
Trinitydarkness  24/06/2009
I absolutly love this is by far one of the best on this site!
killuh  27/06/2009
Yeah i Love This Text Too But How Can I Get it On My Pics
catherinesin  30/06/2009
ashwingardas  22/07/2009
classy name...enormous...
naruttebayo  24/07/2009
Amazing, beautiful font. However, sadly, and through no fault of the author's, I hate it intensely. For my area, this has already become, as another commenter said, "the new Papyrus" -- it's even being used for a local church group in design situations that don't make *sense* (as in, the font doesn't flow with the design at all, it's just used because it looks awesome). So I'm sad to say that, like Papyrus, I cannot use this font unless there is no doubt in my mind that it is the only logical option.
jey  26/07/2009
Je viens de voir une pub sur Radio-Canada qui utilise cette police xD
binty  18/08/2009
can i use this font to create free wordart for Scrapbooking and share as a freebie? Like these which i created using other fonts.
humanlist  27/08/2009
this was a really cool font until it became the new papyrus!
slutgirl22  03/09/2009
Omg i squirted on my keyboard ;$
crd22  10/09/2009
This is a great looking font.
I don't really use it much though.

Is it me, or does the MasterCard jeans commercial use this font in the words like "pleated slacks" "capri pants" etc???
Gyom Séguin  autor de Bleeding Cowboys   10/09/2009
You're absolutely right. I was compensated for these!
SilverDollar  30/09/2009
This is a gorgeous font!! I am a scrapbooker that also happens to own six horses and I will be using this one a lot. (for personal use only of course) Well done! Thanks for the contribution.
josephghayes  09/10/2009
honestly, the font has become overused. i see it everywhere. that's a compliment really, because it has been so successful. i actually read an article a few weeks ago about this exact font being overused, and then saw it all over tennessee that weekend when my wife and i went to chattanooga for vacation.

in short, great work.. but i will not be using it.
Pi Luo  26/10/2009
i think i saw this font used for Top Friends on facebook
tecnics  16/11/2009
très belle police!
kernsfamily  19/11/2009
great font...was going to use it on project i was working on....but, after 2+ weeks of waiting to hear from the creator, about "commercial use", I had to give up, and go with something else.

Does anyone else have problems getting in contact with the designers of get permission/rights for "commercial use"?
Gyom Séguin  autor de Bleeding Cowboys   23/11/2009
Hi Kernsfamily,
I always answer my emails for commercial usage. I don't know what happened to yours. Please resend it at Sorry about that.
Xerox_  25/11/2009
I to have a problems with characters which extend to much... Can anyone post a solution to the issue since it seems quite common?

Btw thank you Gyom Séquin for the best font ever, I already have it tatooed onto my chest :D
cky12qxz  25/11/2009
This is the best of your fonts!
anathemum  04/02/2010
This font is used for the Fuddruckers "Fudd Prime" Advertisements. Were you compensated for those as well?
BETOVALDES28  19/02/2010

This the best font EVER.
BeauChevassus  15/03/2010
Great font, but I see it EVERYWHERE. Just recently was a billboard for jeans, the other day it was on a bakery in Puyallup Wa.

It's actually a joke now between my friends and I: "Oh! Bleeding cowboys!" ...though we still poke fun at Papyrus' overuse.
twilight  25/03/2010
Hi Gyom,
I really need you to contact me as I'd like permission to use the font and I'm on a deadline. I've sent an e-mail to the addy mentioned above. Failing that please e-mail me at:
Guh3  18/04/2010
I used to really like this font. It is way overused now and usually very badly. I saw some magazine used it for EVERYTHING but the title and body text.
I wish it had alternates and a version with all the swooshes but without the grungefication. I prefer to do that myself.
Sienna Wood  21/04/2010
i <3 this font but how the hell do u download it and get it on microsoft word or something??? plz comment soon, cuase its for my assignment, thankyou.
al8z  24/04/2010
I see many people have asked you this but I would like to use your font on shirts. If thats possible please email me and let me know. I am willing to donate or even send you a shirt after I make it. taaaaaaaaaaaankxxxx :)
Jeanpaul  27/04/2010
It's Fantastic font.
PamBor  28/04/2010
Beautiful font. I saw it in "Creating Keepsakes" magazine. Thanks so much for allowing scrapbookers to use it.
deb5023  10/05/2010
Love this font although it will not allow me to download it on my pc telling me there are problems with the font????
Eroded>Fancy  26/06/2010
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kwl thx sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
Roger S. Nelsson  06/07/2010
For those of you looking for an improved version with accents etc: Guillaume Séguin has allowed me to rework his fonts and offer them with a (very generous) commercial license.
So if you need a professional quality Unicode OpenType or TrueType version of this font with a multilingual and expanded character set (with the Pro version you can also turn off the bleeding and the swashes with OpenType features, and add 6 different swashes to the letters of your choice! ;) - you will find it here:
(Guillaume Séguin receives royalties from all sales)
heather2002  18/08/2010
Wonderful font. You are so talented. Thanks
AnthonyF53  05/09/2010
I loved this font at first and I still think it's very unique and interesting, but I don't really like seeing it anymore, because it's used for everything! There are so many people who think "Ha, other people use basic default Windows fonts. That doesn't look professional! I'll use this one, I've downloaded it from the internet so NOBODY else will have it..." and then they use it in an attempt to look original and independent but it's so overused now that it's almost irritating to see it on any poster, commercial, etc.
escahood  28/09/2010
i like diz
Jojsie  13/10/2010
Hey, I want to know if I need to get your permission to use this font in a design?
Kodoichi  28/10/2010
I didn't know this font is just a modification of "Oklahoma"
by Harold's Fonts. Last Soundtrack, the creator, just lost my appreciation for his creation. What an ass.
Gyom Séguin  autor de Bleeding Cowboys   29/10/2010
@ Kodoichi: I always told people that I based myself on Oklahoma (a free font) to create this one. Every designer has influences. This font is just a revised version of his font. BTW, writing that I am an ass as a comment makes you look really smart, congrats!
Autopsy  20/11/2010
nativepride267  05/03/2011
ima get a tat in this font!
alex224  25/03/2011
This is a great looking font! Can I use it on my logo design? Thanks!
imarion  06/05/2011
This font is used for the Fuddruckers "Fudd Prime" Advertisements. Were you compensated for those as well?
looloolove2013  17/05/2011
I'm definitly using this for my tattoo of my brother!
Josh.Closser  13/08/2011
Played with your font in photoshop, lots of fun :) you can see the results here:

Awesome font!
shorena  21/11/2011
i like. good .
Menhir  25/11/2011
Oklahoma, "influences" ? hum hum...
It seems to be more than "influence"...
MatiereBleue  22/03/2012
I don't like it ! It's just a no matter grunged and poorly swashed Oklahoma.
frd  23/03/2012
People may not like it, but it's still a font that can be seen everywhere, and that has been downloaded almost 4.000.000 times. Adding a few things to a font and redesigning it is always a good choice. Criticism is easy, art is difficult...
onontokal  08/05/2012
it's awesome :D
priyanka624  18/06/2012
bisty  26/08/2012
awesome font.
Dnsty45  23/07/2013
Thank you so much for having this website with these awesome fonts for free. No hidden crap downloading instead of exactly what you are looking for like everywhere else on the internet. I will definitely be using this in the future. THANK YOU!!
Using this font for engagement party favors for a friends wedding. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
bigdrillcar  20/11/2013
Great font. Extremely overused. So much so, there is a song about it:
hiitsjessieyen  06/07/2014
hiitsjessieyen  06/07/2014
thank you for submitting !
ajbeadlebug  19/08/2014
I love this font! May I please use it in a logo to benefit cancer research??? All proceeds go to MD Anderson breast & prostate cancer research center.
Usuário excluído 815886  06/11/2014
great font, very unique
rustynickels  06/12/2014
This font is a warning. If you see it anywhere, stay far away! A heavily overused font on the absolute worst designs. Bleeding Cowboys is the new Comic Sans. Use this font and you will lose all graphic designer credibility.
cikoone  10/01/2015
hi thats a perfect font i would like to use it in my web page and one my logo if its posible i will also donate a litle amount for it

anushri  18/01/2015
for personal use only means?
I cannot print it for posters/banners..
on any work I do for others?
abuali  19/01/2015
Can i use this for my YT channel art work please?
dont_mind_me  21/08/2015
A font you could hear someone unironically call "bitchin, man."
outdoor_funguy  09/07/2016
This font is awesome! The designers from always compliment it all the time. Bleeding Cowboys!
H4mmerm4n  22/09/2016
Talibandz brought me here!
What do I have to do to get permission to use it for commercial use???
david odom  13/12/2017
What do I have to do to get permission to use it for commercial use???
Blá Blá Blá  31/03/2018
Oi!Eu sou escritora e gostaria de utilizar esta fonte para criar as minhas capas.Eu não recebo nada monetariamente pelos meus livros.Então poderia utilizar a fonte de forma gratuita?
Lance23  06/05/2021
Nice font
Lance23  02/07/2021
It's very interesting font!
dr_rollo  10/06/2022
For me the apostrophe (ASCII 0039) and also some other special characters (caret, bullet, quotion mark etc.) don't work, neither in Word, nor Powerpoint. I've tried the installation on three Windows PCs and also on my MacBook. Any idea? the preview from the Windows Font Settings looks fine.

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