Flexi IBM VGA False

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Flexi IBM VGA False à  por VileR 
 14.760 downloads (3 ontem)   100% Grátis - 2 arquivos de fonte
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TrueType fonts based on the VGA character set (as seen in DOS, hardware text modes, ANSI/ASCII art, and so on).
Manually converted from pixel-grid bitmaps to scalable outlines, meant to preserve the original appearance perceptually.

The 'False' versions are NOT aspect-corrected; see "Flexi IBM VGA True" for that.

Included variants:

* "Flexi IBM VGA False": an extended character set, including Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic and many Latin scripts, etc.
* "Flexi IBM VGA False (437)": an exact match of the 8-bit "US-Latin" DOS encoding; contains only the characters from the original IBM PC code page 437.

Visto pela primeira vez no DaFont: 11/02/2021

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