Pubblicità di ardyanatypes


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Posts di Menhir

29/05/2013 alle 18:39  [risposta]  Similar font

You can search here :

Except the "K", the letters are classic.
Perhaps this one is suffisently "similar" for you :

28/05/2013 alle 09:42  [risposta]  How to use fonts

If the font is correctly installed, you can use it with every softwares that use fonts, like text editor (MS Word, Open Office, Write, etc.), graphic editors (PhotoShop, GIMP, Paint, etc.), spreadsheets, CAD, etc.

27/05/2013 alle 12:27  [risposta]  Avante Garde

Not the same but similar :

Modificato su 27/05/2013 alle 13:56 da fmontpetit

27/05/2013 alle 12:17  [risposta]  font "pastel" euroconform?

24/05/2013 alle 09:55  [risposta]  Regarding updating

Is it so terrible to have to wait 3-4 days the validation of a modification ?

Pour la date, il ne faut pas oublier qu'il y en a 3 par fichier :
- création
- modification
- dernier accès

Tu peux les voir en faisant un clic droit + Propriété sur un fichier police.
Opération qui, d'ailleur, suffit à modifier la troisième de ces dates.

Le premier critère ne serait-il pas l'utilisation ? Ne mettrait-il pas les polices que tu utilises le plus en premier ?
Ca pourrait être aussi le nom de fichier, qui peut être différent du nom de la police lui-même.

23/05/2013 alle 09:34  [risposta]  copyright after paying for font?

The best way to have a reliable answer for you question is to contact the author of the font you wish.

23/05/2013 alle 09:30  [risposta]  Regarding updating

_53L3C74_53L3C74 ha detto  
Is it really necessary for something like a change of the illustration to be reviewed?

If nobody control, how to know the change is only for an illustration ?

_53L3C74_53L3C74 ha detto  
And maybe just take it in good human trust that no one's going to upload something pornographic...

Look at the sites that don't have control, you will see what append without control...
Your confidence in human nature is admirable but can not resist watching the cruel reality.

Modificato su 24/05/2013 alle 09:51 da Menhir

22/05/2013 alle 12:48  [risposta]  MUSIC font

21/05/2013 alle 19:13  [risposta]  formes

aurore60 ha detto  

Tu veux dire que tu ne sais pas comment changer la taille d'un caractère dans un traitement de texte ?
Avec quel logiciel utilises-tu ça ?

N'oublies pas, même si ces caractères ressemblent à des "formes", ce ne sont ni plus ni moins que des caractères d'une police classique. Tu peux donc les modifier de la même façon, par exemple modifier leur taille, de la même façon qu'on modifie la taille d'un texte.

17/05/2013 alle 10:05  [risposta]  formes

Claude, avais-tu compris la question posée au départ ? Je supose que non puisque tu n'y a pas répondu.
Il était donc impossible de l'aider sans que la question soit formulée plus clairement.

C'est pourquoi, après une petite plaisanterie, je lui ai indiqué comment préciser sa question. Quel domage qu'elle n'ai pas tenu compte de ces conseils "sérieux".

17/05/2013 alle 10:00  [risposta]  Impossibilité de télécharger

C'est exactement ça, excepté que ce que tu télécharge, ce ne sont pas des dossiers mais des fichiers ZIP, c'est-à-dire des sortes de conteners qui mettent plusieurs fichiers en un et, en plus, réduisent la taille (un peu comme ces sacs plastiques dans lesquels on peut ranger des vêtements et faire le vide ensuite pour que ce soit moins épais).
Je reconnais que l'icone d'un fichier ZIP ressemble beaucoup à celle d'un dossier.

Pour "sortir" les fichiers contenus dans un fichier ZIP, il est possible d'utiliser un logiciel de décompactage (comme 7Zip qui t'a été conseillé mais il en existe beaucoup d'autres). Mais, depuis Windows XP (et donc, à forciori, dans ton Windows Vista), Windows intègre des outils de décompactage.

16/05/2013 alle 16:43  [risposta]  copyright problem!!

Look at the file "Licence agreement" included in the zip file of the font.
It's clearly not free for commercial use.

Cartoon Relief™ Font Family
By Galdino Otten © (copyright) Free for personal use
Donation required for Commercial Use
Donate to Galdino Otten at

Terms of Use/End User Lisence Agreement

Upon downloading this font the user bound to abide
the Free Font Terms of Use/Free Font End User
License Agreement (TOU/EULA) defined below.
This agreement pertains to you/the user and the
liscencing rights aquired with this download. These
rights are specific to free download and usage of this
font, i.e. a personal use License agreement.
Free Font Terms of Use
Free Font End User License Agreement:
1.) This font is free for personal use.

2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or
profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is
strictly prohibited. Do not add this font to a font CD or
compilation and or archive that is to be sold for a profit.

Basically, don't sell this font, and do not make things
that are to be sold with this font... It's free for personal
use only. Commercial use requires the user to obtain a
Commercial Font End User License. A Commercial Font
End User License is granted after a PayPal donation has
been received. contact me
for more details.

For profit scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material (s) or
scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material(s) intended to
be sold/resold with this font are also prohibited under this license,
and require a commercial License. To obtain a Commercial
Font End User License for this font contact me
Please note, scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking use of this
font is only restricted when pertaining to the making of any for
profit items. Otherwise creating items to be used "personally,"
whether in a traditional scrapbook or digital scrapbook is entirely
permitted under this free License.

3.) This font file must be kept intact as downloaded. Under no
circumstances may this font file itself be edited, altered, or modified
at any time or in any measure. This prohibits and indcludes but is
not limited to, renaming this font file, as well as the creation of
so-called "new" and/or derivitave fonts from this font file or any
other possible digital representations.

4.) Redistribution of this font is permitted only if this readme is, as well
as the font file itself, kept intact as is, and it is offered free of charge,
no fee is implemented upon the aquistition of this font. If you do
redistribute this font, please contact me with details.

5.) Upon downloading this font, the user accepts all liability and
sole responsibility for the font file and any accompanying files
therein. Galdino Otten is not responsible or
liable for any damages, loss or other consequences incurred
as a result of downloading this font, or otherwise relating or
associated with the download.

*Personal use does not constitute "public domain."

**If you are interested in the commercial use of this font or using
this font in any manner outside the realm of "personal use," you
must obtain the rights to use this font commercially
(Commercial Font End User License) prior to doing so. To obtain
a Commercial Font End User License Agreement with this font,
contact me
Thanks for accepting these terms.

16/05/2013 alle 16:30  [risposta]  formes

Vous pouvez répéter la question ?

Plus sérieusement, peux-tu dire :
- De quelle font s'agit-il ?
- Qu'est-ce que tu voulais faire ?
- Qu'est-ce que tu as fait, EN DETAIL ET PRECISEMENT ?

Modificato su 16/05/2013 alle 16:32 da Menhir

I think it's not a problem of font but a PhotoShop problem.
I'm sure you will have best reply for you question in some forum talking about PhotoShop with specialists of this software.

15/05/2013 alle 09:00  [risposta]  Super familles de fontes

Tu peux déjà activer l'option "voir les variantes" pour les consultations. Ca te permettra de voir tout dessuites les polices qui sont proposées en différents formats (gras, italique, hollow, etc.).
Exemple :
Remarque le "af=on" dans l'adresse ci-dessus.

Pour savoir si une même police existe en version avec et sans sérif, tu peux ouvrir les listes Basique > Sans Sérif et Basique > Sérif dans deux fenêtre différentes, classées par nom, et les parcourir en parallèle :

Une autre astuce plus rapide mais moins sûre : tu lance des recherches avec le mots "serif". Tu peux aussi essayer avec le mot "sans".

C'est comme ça que je t'ai trouvé :
Panforte :
Liberation :
Averia :

Modificato 3 volte. Ultima modifica su 15/05/2013 alle 09:22 da Menhir

13/05/2013 alle 10:23  [risposta]  Telegrafico

alerte ha detto  
Menhir ha detto  
What kind of font editor software?

Modificato su 13/05/2013 alle 10:24 da drf_

It's not only an Open Type possibility, it's a very old feature, older than the computers, but now possible to do with the Open Type format.

10/05/2013 alle 09:51  [risposta]  I need this font for free

classyyrikka ha detto  
Why is everyone comparing font piracy and general piracy to actual stealing?

Because it is.

A font, even if it's a 'commercial product', should not be compared to something of much higher value

The act of stealing does not depend on the value of the stolen object.

it's not something you NEED to live life

One more reason to don't steal it.

and is not nearly as expensive.

So, buy it.

it's 'taking money', but it's not comparable to actual stealing.

If a take $20 in your pocket, isn't it stealing ?

if I'm using them for my own projects and nothing commercial?

If I steal a car and I use it only for my personal use, "nothing commercial", isn't it stealing ?

what people don't seem to realize is that not everybody has the money to purchase commercial fonts;

I've no money to purchase a Ferrari. Is it a reason to steal it if I want one ?

I'm not gonna give a link to anything, but I'm just saying... one of the main reasons why people ask for free commercial fonts is not because they're cheapskates, but because they aren't able to afford some of the outrageous font asking prices, or would like to use the font personally.

First, if they don't have money, they can use free fonts. It exist many. If I havent money to buy a Ferrari, I buy a less expensive car or second hand car.

Second, befor saying tre price of a font is "outrageous", create a full and realy nice font and compute the time you spent...

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 23:42

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