Pubblicità di LetterFresh


Posts di metaphasebrothel

24/09/2014 alle 15:38  [risposta]  Decent design software

I don't think he needs more than Word and Paint. Not for a Geronimo Fonts font.

24/09/2014 alle 04:06  [risposta]  Decent design software

If the font has already been made, and the object is to display some sample text in a graphic, what I would do is:

a) install the font,
b) type the text in MS Word at a point size 133% larger than the size at which I would like it to appear in the graphic,
c) copy the text,
d) paste it into a blank MS Paint document, and
e) save as .png.

The copy/paste from Word to Paint reduces the text size to 75%, which is why the size in Word should be 4/3 larger than the intended size of the graphic.

Modificato su 24/09/2014 alle 04:09 da metaphasebrothel

It's Clementine Sketch, and it's free.

Carattere Identificato: Clementine Sketch

17/09/2014 alle 05:49  [risposta]  Colleged Font Ampersand

I made a screen capture of the link you gave us, and added a purple arrow, to point at the ampersand:

Can you see it now?

I had no trouble displaying the glyph in MS Word and Notepad.

There's nothing wrong with the ampersand in Colleged, other than the fact that it's kind of ugly looking.

15/09/2014 alle 16:55  [risposta]  Fonts not 'installing'

drf ha detto  
fwillis0928 ha detto  
Did you respond to everyone else in this forum like that??

The "funniest" thing is that he doesn't only do this here. Just google "koeiekat" for hours of fun (and potential ulcer) about how smart and superior he is, and how the rest of us sucks. It is sad to see it didn't change in almost 10 years...

It's a pity that he is unable to apply that knowledge towards making fonts that are visually appealing.

15/09/2014 alle 06:23  [risposta]  CAN'T DOWNLOAD FONT

When one person is having problems opening a .zip file, but other people are not, the problem is usually with the extraction program, not with the .zip file. See my April 22, 2010 post, (#4 above), I had the same version of Winrar installed for several years. It failed to open some, but not all .zip files downloaded from DaFont. When I installed a newer version of Winrar, I was able to open the .zip files that wouldn't open properly with the old version of Winrar.

@ dkirk6: Click the FAQ link near the top of this Window. Then click the topic for How to install a font under Windows?. Then read the instructions for Windows 8/7/Vista. If that doesn't work, you probably didn't extract the fonts from the .zip file before trying to install them.

15/09/2014 alle 06:09  [risposta]  Fonts not 'installing'

fwillis0928 ha detto  
...Did you respond to everyone else in this forum like that??...

Actually, yes, he does.

fwillis0928, if you bought a pickle at a barber shop, you could reach in the barrel, grab a pickle, and bite. If you bought a jar of pickles in a grocery store, you would need to open the lid, before you could eat one. If you were going to travel to another place by airplane, you may wish to carry only one suitcase. To put as many things as possible in the suitcase, you might sit on it, before closing the latches.

A .zip file is packaging. It allows more than one file to be packaged together into one download, and also decreases the size of the contents, thus allowing for a faster download for you, and decreasing the amount of upload bandwidth used by DaFont, and the amount of download bandwidth used by yourself.

All downloads from DaFont are contained in .zip files. You need to open the .zip files to get the fonts out. You then need to install the fonts on your computer, to be able to use them. How the fonts are extracted from the .zip file, and how they are installed on your computer, depends on what kind of computer you're using, and the operating system installed on that computer.

The information displayed in your post says that you have a MAC computer, with OS X operating system. According to the instructions in FAQ, ("Frequently Asked Questions"; click on the FAQ link near the top of every page on DaFont, then click on the topic question, to move to the appropriate section of the answers):

"How to install a font under Mac OS?"

Mac OS X recognizes TrueType and OpenType fonts (.ttf and .otf) but not the PC bitmap fonts (.fon).
Files are compressed, you may need an utility like Stuffit Expander.

Under any version of Mac OS X:
Put the files into /Library/Fonts (for all users),
or into /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only).

Stuffit Expander is shown as a link. Click on those words, (in the FAQ section, not in my reply here!), to obtain more information.

You need to extract the fonts from the .zip files before putting the .ttf or .otf files in /Library/Fonts. Do not put a file folder, read me document, license document, or graphics files in /Library/Fonts. You may want to read or look at those files, but they are not to be installed.

If you are computer savvy enough to read, understand, and apply these instructions, you should have no problem using most of the fonts available on DaFont. This is what koeiekat suggested, in letters large enough to read on the smallest phone.

If you are unable to do so, ask someone else to read the instructions, and show you what to do. No one here can explain the procedure in simpler terms than as shown in the FAQ, and as quoted, four paragraphs up.

14/09/2014 alle 19:13  [risposta]  Font rip-offs

When my new font is posted, I challenge thekat to find any errors in it, regardless of how trivial those errors might be, (including extraneous nodes).

The font itself is finished, I just have the read me and illustrated guide to do, and a very elaborate promotional .gif to make. I should be able to do all of that in four weeks or less.

The gauntlet has been tossed.

Modificato su 14/09/2014 alle 19:32 da metaphasebrothel

14/09/2014 alle 09:26  [risposta]  Font rip-offs

claudeserieux ha detto  
metaphasebrothel ha detto  
The original design was probably made between 1890 and 1910, or thereabouts.

Oct 6, 1891
Designer: Herman Ihlenberg

I just checked Wikipedia for the historical period for Art Nouveau, for the benefit of Geronimo. I don't think he read the read me for Trinigan.

14/09/2014 alle 05:03  [risposta]  Font rip-offs

They're similar, but not identical. Comparison of Capital T:

As mentioned in the read me for Trinigan, this is a well known Art Nouveau typeface that has been digitalized several times. The original design was probably made between 1890 and 1910, or thereabouts. Trinigan has a larger character map, (ie: more symbols and accented characters), and appears to be more professionally rendered, based on this glyph, chosen randomly.

It's very common for more than one designer to make their own font version of an old design already digitalized by someone else. For example, the catalog of Elsner + Flake.

12/09/2014 alle 17:24  [risposta]  How do I fix this font issue?

I found a novel solution to a descender problem, earlier this week. The Q in my new font has a long stroke, and a shadow below. The bottom of the shadow was touching the top of certain glyphs on the line of text below it. Through some trial and error, I found that adding 72 units to the descender would create a sufficient gap.

What I did was draw a tiny contour, 72 units below the bottom of the shadow, and Saved, then I recalculated the True Type-specific metrics, without changing the UPM. I then deleted the small contour, and generated the font, and I got the result I wanted.

11/09/2014 alle 15:41  [risposta]  How do I fix this font issue?

No one can help you if you don't tell us which fonts you're talking about.

11/09/2014 alle 07:02  [risposta]  Help creating a font

orca871 ha detto  
I saved it as a png but if I zoom in it still has gray pixels.

That's because the .png faithfully reproduced the grey pixels created by your .jpg image. I don't use illustrator, but it should have a File command to save as -> monochrome bitmap. (file extension .bmp) Note: .bmp files can be 24 bit, 256 color, 16 color or monochrome. They all have the same .bmp extension. In MS Paint, you would do File -> Save As... -> Monochrome Bitmap (*.bmp*.dib). Surely Illustrator ought to be able to do that.

11/09/2014 alle 03:20  [risposta]  Help creating a font

Try saving the .jpg image as a monochrome bitmap, before you try to try to import it into Fontforge. Even if your .jpg looks black and white, if you enlarge it eight times, you'll see random coloured pixels, (beige, light and dark grey, etc.). You need to use a one colour source image for a font.

10/09/2014 alle 09:51  [risposta]  Typo comica

I've done this often, with FontLab Studio5. I right-click the .otf file, then select 'Open with...' -> Studio5, then File from the menu bar -> Generate font -> .ttf type -> OK. My primary font editor, ScanFont 3, can neither create nor open .otf, so I sometimes create .ttfs to view the vector designs, or to make screen captures.

07/09/2014 alle 11:51  [risposta]  100% FREE FONTS

@FruitJuice: Any fonts on DaFont that are described as 100% Free are free for personal AND commercial use. When the font designers submit the font themselves, they indicate the term of use in the submission form. In cases where someone other than the designer submits the font, the terms of use are left blank, if the designer's intentions are not clearly set out in the font header or in an enclosed read me document.

02/09/2014 alle 21:19  [post iniziale]  Quotation marks in font project files

There are several glyph cells in my font editor that correspond with quotation marks:



In the font I'm working on now, I'm using rounded quotation marks, that resemble a '6' for the left, and a '9' for the right.

I've noticed that the glyphs coded 34 and 39 appear when text is typed in Notepad, but in MS Word 2007, the text display changes to Times New Roman. I have opened a couple of fonts with my font editor that have rounded quotes, (Algerian and Bookman Old Style Bold), and I've seen that these fonts have 'vertical' quotes for codes 34 and 39, and the glyphs with codes 130 and 132 are identical to the glyphs for codes 146 and 148, except for the position of the base line.

I recall a setting in MS Word 2000, where a box could be checked to "replace straight quotes with 'smart' quotes", but I don't remember how to do it, nor do I know how to do it with Word 2007. Is that, in any way, relevant to this?

Is it necessary to have the vertical quotes for codes 34 and 39, or can I just use the same glyphs for 34 and 146, and for 39 and 148? What negative impact, if any, would this have on my font, in terms of use in word processing and graphic design programs? I don't mind adding vertical quotes, if they're needed.

What is the purpose of the glyphs with codes 130 and 132?

A 'jargonless' explanation of the different codes in this group would be well appreciated.



29/08/2014 alle 19:40  [risposta]  Crafters vs Viruses

mcx10 ha detto  
Crafters vs Viruses

Is it possible to get a virus from

Fonts are 'read only' files. Virii are executable files. It may be technically possible to receive a virus from a DaFont download, but only if the virus is in a MicroSoft Word document that contains a virulent macro.

Wear a condom while downloading, avoid kissing koeiekat when his nose is red and running, and you'll be fine.

28/08/2014 alle 23:07  [risposta]  3D and Shadow font suggestions?

koeiekat ha detto  
Gill Sans appears to be Umbra.

According to The Electronic Type Catalog by Steve Byers, (1991, Bantam Books) ISBN 0-553-35446-9, page 603, Umbra was designed by Robert Hunter Middleton in 1932, described as "A three-dimensional display type with no lowercase, designed for Ludlow. The face is essentially a version of the same designer's Ludlow Tempo sanserif letterform with a perspective shadow, (hence its name). The design is of the ingenious kind that suggests the letterform by means of its shadow without actually defining it by a complete outline.".

The Umbra font was first marketed by Bitstream in 1990, and revised until at least 1999, and Gill Sans Light Shadowed was copyrighted in 1993, at least for the Adobe version. The typeface itself is called Umbra, so it would logically follow that the first foundry to release a digital version would call dibs on the name.

The lack of the lower case alphabet wasn't just lazy designer: Middleton's Umbra was all caps. The lower case alphabet appears to be unique to the Gill.

I chose the ampersand as a random glyph to compare Umbra and Gill Sans Light Shadowed. Umbra looks a lot more professional, technically. The Gill looks more like if one was intentionally trying to create a faux bold weight:

28/08/2014 alle 21:09  [risposta]  3D and Shadow font suggestions?

Thanks, I have Gill Sans Light Shadow. On quick glance, it appears to be Umbra, with a lower case alphabet. There also seems to be a Jeff Levine knockoff.

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