Pubblicità di jooki



5 posts

what tahe name of the font?

08/01/2013 alle 08:49

What the name of the font plz

what tahe name of the font?

Modificato su 08/01/2013 alle 20:30 da Rodolphe

Carattere Identificato

Xirod  Suggeriti da Rodolphe 

08/01/2013 alle 09:51

Aovel Sans Rounded by Álvaro Thomáz for »Erik's Designing« …

08/01/2013 alle 10:51

No i want the "Your Text"

08/01/2013 alle 14:43

Do you really expect me to go watch a (probably stupid) video and take a screen shot? Grow up. Do your own work and post in the proper forum.

08/01/2013 alle 20:31

Carattere Identificato: Xirod

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