Pubblicità di artcity



10 posts

Who knows the apple font?

13/10/2012 alle 18:34

Hey guys. I saw a great font. That one from Apple. I've searched the web but i don't find the Apple font. Here an example

Who knows the apple font?

Carattere Identificato

Myriad  Suggeriti da Tomįs Silcher 

13/10/2012 alle 18:39

Apple uses Myriad for they're branding & designs.
Carattere Identificato: Myriad

13/10/2012 alle 18:40

Do you have any bigger images?

13/10/2012 alle 18:41

Carattere suggerito: Myriad Semibold & Light
  (Gią suggerito qua)

Modificato su 14/10/2012 alle 14:46 da drf_

13/10/2012 alle 18:46


13/10/2012 alle 18:46

No bigger images

13/10/2012 alle 18:48

Downloaded it, gonna upload it here.

13/10/2012 alle 18:52


23/10/2012 alle 13:13

With the right author. If i don't do that, it would be illegal

23/10/2012 alle 15:27

Oh, OK!

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 03:52

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