Pubblicità di Ayyara



5 posts

Font Similar to Revolution Gothic (Regular)???

27/09/2012 alle 15:17

I'm looking for a web safe alternative to Revolution Gothic (Regular)...

It doesn't have to be exact - just something very close.


27/09/2012 alle 15:51

27/09/2012 alle 16:37

I do like Kat - but this one seems a bit closer to me:

27/09/2012 alle 18:57

27/09/2012 alle 19:06

@Menhir, your suggestion is probably the best, as long as it is manually condensed, as condensed as Heron2001's.
@Heron2001, I agree, Koeiekat's fonts are really good!

Modificato 2 volte. Ultima modifica su 27/09/2012 alle 21:11 da malvolio

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 02:57

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