Pubblicità di courtneynovits



5 posts

How do I submit regular, italic and bold at once?

19/03/2024 alle 12:48

My font is in 4 ttf different files: regular, bold, italic and italic bold. When submitting to Dafont, can I submit all 4 files at once? Do I have to pack the 4 files into a zip?

19/03/2024 alle 13:58

yeah, zipping is the way.
zip the 4 weights along with an optional read me file, and an optional illustration.

19/03/2024 alle 15:17

Thank you!

Modificato su 19/03/2024 alle 15:40 da marty666

19/03/2024 alle 15:40

you're welcome

20/03/2024 alle 01:06

marty666 ha detto  
you're welcome

hi, are you dafont admin?

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