Pubblicità di frogphic



7 posts

Hi everyone! I really need to know the name of the font used in the image.

05/04/2012 alle 17:42

Not the one used to write " Caroline ", but the other one.
Thanks in advance.

Hi everyone! I really need to know the name of the font used in the image.

Caratteri suggeriti

Saginaw  Suggeriti da togali 
Calisto MT  Suggeriti da togali 

05/04/2012 alle 17:47

Century Schoolbook

05/04/2012 alle 18:24

Carattere suggerito: Saginaw

05/04/2012 alle 18:31

Carattere suggerito: Saginaw
  (Gią suggerito qua)

05/04/2012 alle 18:34

I refer to the other font.

05/04/2012 alle 18:47

05/04/2012 alle 18:57

Carattere suggerito: Calisto MT

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