Pubblicità di nilsonartdesign



8 posts


25/08/2011 alle 22:32

I searched all over this Font and can not find it anywhere! if you know the name or the Link where download for FREE, please comment here. Thanks.


Carattere Identificato

Quadranta  Suggeriti da SashiX 

25/08/2011 alle 22:41

Already been requested but never solved.

25/08/2011 alle 23:27

Carattere Identificato: Quadranta

25/08/2011 alle 23:31

SashiX: Is not Quadranta! Note that is not the type that is in the photo and the "&" is not the same :(

25/08/2011 alle 23:32

SashiX ha detto  

Can't believe someone didn't get that earlier...

Modificato su 25/08/2011 alle 23:33 da notfon1234

25/08/2011 alle 23:34

modelgirl ha detto  
SashiX: Is not Quadranta! Note that is not the type that is in the photo and the "&" is not the same :(

That is probably a custom design or it is from another font.

25/08/2011 alle 23:35

Pues yo no veo ninguna diferencia Y si la "&" no es la misma, no significa nada, podria ser otra fuente para dicho simbolo. Sea como sea, Quadranta podria ser la version free de esa fuente que estamos buscando.

26/08/2011 alle 00:31

OK, here we go. Don't know you, but I can see 100% matching font.

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